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Kettlebell KB program question


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Hi everyone, I have a question on KB programming and perhaps suggestion on a better way to achieve goal.
First context, 50 years old, BJJ 2/week and younger kids that keep me busy…
Can workout 3x week
Goal is to increase strength, recomposition of body fat (22% @ 177lbs), and improve general fitness
Here’s what I have done a couple of times and I’m enjoying it
Using double KB @ 35lbs
30 sec on 30 rest, 2 min rest, 3 reps
Clean and press
Floor press
Thank you
Welcome to the forum, I don’t know your background in KBs however S&S is a great program that fits in to your goals IMHO.

If I were you I would give S&S a serious look. In less than a year you might become a much stronger, fitter version of your self. I don’t know your current program progression plan however for some of the exercises that you have in your program such as floor presses 35 pound KBs will become light very quickly.

On top, there is a chance that your technique and strength level might not be demanding double KB work, if that is the case it might be better to improve single KB skills first, which S&S is a great program for this.

If you don’t want to do S&S for whatever reason, Iron Cardio+Mind The Gap programs might also be suitable for you. You can check them in strongandfit website.

But official beginners program is S&S for SF for valid reasons.


Hi everyone, I have a question on KB programming and perhaps suggestion on a better way to achieve goal.
First context, 50 years old, BJJ 2/week and younger kids that keep me busy…
Can workout 3x week
Goal is to increase strength, recomposition of body fat (22% @ 177lbs), and improve general fitness
Here’s what I have done a couple of times and I’m enjoying it
Using double KB @ 35lbs
30 sec on 30 rest, 2 min rest, 3 reps
Clean and press
Floor press
Thank you
It looks decent. I think to be more strength focused, you would want to rest a little longer than 2 minutes. I’ve always been a fan of getting my “conditioning” from rolling rounds of jiu jitsu and getting more strength work of the mat. Here is a video by Coach Louka that spells out strength ladders and combining swings and pull ups for a solid approach.

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Hi everyone, I have a question on KB programming and perhaps suggestion on a better way to achieve goal.
First context, 50 years old, BJJ 2/week and younger kids that keep me busy…
Can workout 3x week
Goal is to increase strength, recomposition of body fat (22% @ 177lbs), and improve general fitness
Here’s what I have done a couple of times and I’m enjoying it
Using double KB @ 35lbs
30 sec on 30 rest, 2 min rest, 3 reps
Clean and press
Floor press
Thank you
I would suggest following a program versus making things up until you’ve had more experience. I would suggest something from @Geoff Neupert, like Kettlebell Hard or GHFL or Maximorum.
Definitely start with Simple and Sinister. It's the best program for beginners and also BJJ athletes. Swings for hips and grips and get ups for your mat strength. It's the best way to start. Once you own the Simple standard, there are so many places to expand to, based on your focus and needs.

The KB Strongfirst program is the perfect place to start. Pavel put together this program for BJJ athletes, but it really translates to all beginners. Goes over technique for swings, get ups, cleans, jerks, and great programming for BJJ. It's on sale (47% off) now on BJJ Fanatics. I'm a BJJ athlete and I still do S&S at least once a week.

Instructional Videos
Welcome to the forum, I don’t know your background in KBs however S&S is a great program that fits in to your goals IMHO.

If I were you I would give S&S a serious look. In less than a year you might become a much stronger, fitter version of your self. I don’t know your current program progression plan however for some of the exercises that you have in your program such as floor presses 35 pound KBs will become light very quickly.

On top, there is a chance that your technique and strength level might not be demanding double KB work, if that is the case it might be better to improve single KB skills first, which S&S is a great program for this.

If you don’t want to do S&S for whatever reason, Iron Cardio+Mind The Gap programs might also be suitable for you. You can check them in strongandfit website.

But official beginners program is S&S for SF for valid reasons.


I played around with S&S a little bit but never 100%, was using a 44lbs KB for swing and TGU.
Sounds like S&S is the way to go and just give it some time
I'd bump up to a heavier bell on other days, doe less reps and also adjust eating habits
I played around with S&S a little bit but never 100%, was using a 44lbs KB for swing and TGU.
Sounds like S&S is the way to go and just give it some time
Did 1st S&S session this morning, did 9 x10 1H swing with 35lbs, did last set with 53lbs - holy crap what a difference. Had to put in a lot more effort/explosiveness to move bell
Did the TGU with 35lbs
Felt good and will stick with it this time until I hit simple
Thanks for feedback
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