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Old Forum Kettlebell Instructor search

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Mike E

Level 5 Valued Member
I tried the instructor search engine.  I get "no results" for StrongFirst kettlebell instructors within 50 miles of Concord, CA.  This can't be true.
The searching of this site in general is non-existent and doesn't work if there is such a search.

Here are just a few.  Alot of them don't list the city and just say CA so only the SF peeps know for sure.






Thanks very much for the list!  I lost the thread and had a heck of a time finding it again.  Sorry to take so long in replying.  I hope I can find someone who doesn't mind taking on an beat up old geezer with issues.  Just need help with technique.  I tend to need a lot of working out to stay sane, i.e. one short set, one longer set per day, plus a brisk walk and hiking on weekends.  I commute every day, so I'm thinking short one in morning with my coffee, walk at lunch time, something a little more challenging in the evening before bed.  Then just a hike or two on the weekend.  I'll check through the list for people nearby Concord.  Thanks again.
Mike, I believe the distance search works only with a zip code. Please try that.
Hi Nikki,

I didn't give up easily.  I tried everything (every combination with and without various entries) I did enter City and zipcode and distance and country (USA) and state (CA).  Result: "no listing".

That's okay, I did find a way to list all of the SFG's, many many pages.  I just scroll from page to page looking for someone nearby.  I find some of the entries interesting, and their websites regardless of where they're located.  Kind of time consuming though...

My niece is a website designer, but she lives in Seattle.  I haven't asked her anything about this problem yet, but she may have some insights.  She did Starbucks websites but hasn't worked for them for a couple of years I think.  Kind of a free spirit.  Might be available if I ask nicely.  But, actually, I think the SF website is awesome!  I like the graphics, and the simplicity.  It's just the search function that doesn't work well.  And sometimes loads a little slow.  Just observations, not complaints.  My favorite place to visit regardless.
Sorry Mike, what I meant was: Do not include the city name. To do a distance search, search only by zip code. It should work.
(and I know, the search has always been messy and unclear. A very frustrating experience with those controlling the plug-in, etc. It will be completely revamped (along with the rest of the website) in the not-too-distant future.)
Nikki -

When the website gets revamped will that effect this forum? And if so, will the posts and information here be available going forward? Lots of great knowledge in this forum which would be a shame to lose.


-Al S.
Al, of course - we will DEFINITELY want to retain everything here. That will be a trick to leave up to the very smart web people. ;]

It worked!  I started with Kettlebell Instructor first, then only zip code and distance and found several within 50 miles.  One of the closest trained with Dan John, is a SFG1 and FMS level 2.  Thanks much.
Analisa Naldi is in the city and Cheri Bell in Fremont.


Tom Foley and Asha Wagner in Oakland..


Hope that helps
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