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Old Forum Kettlebell swing screening

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Hello! This is my first post on this forum, although I have been a long time reader. I have previously only commented on  the article about the fighter pull up program.

I bought my first 2 kettlebells in 2009 and have since then incorporated basic kettlebell training on and off. I had no idea where to start when I first began and no one else in my small country knew about kettlebells (that has now changed). I therefore sought information through youtube and listened to my own body while working on my technique first and foremost. I followed the principal of "listen to everyone and believe no one" and think I have learned how to use my kettlebells OK.

Because of this I have never had anyone qualified actually look after my form, except about 1 year ago when a crossfit trainer tried to correct me into doing some form of "squat swing" with an "american style" overhead swing at the end... I didn't take his advice to me. I have however never been injured and always felt good with my training: bodyweight, barbell and kettlebell. This leads me to believe that what I have been doing must have been somewhat right, atleast it has worked for me.

I filmed myself doing a few swings about 2 hours after my training session earlier today. I would like to get general feedback and know either weakpoints or small things I might never have thought about. I know in the video I should start with my kettlebell a bit further in front of me, so I have already taking note of this and I will usually do this when training.

Here is the video:

And on a sidenote I could add that I have followed through with ladders of presses with my 20 kg kettlebells, and after some time I wanted to try it with a 32 kg kettlebell and it felt rather easy to do ladders with this kettlebell also when I kept TIGHT! :)
Your first swing - you need to hike the bell back more so that you "load the spring" more and then have enough force stored to make the swing work when the bell comes forward.  Try to get the bell as far back on the first swing as you do on the rest of them.  I'm not sure you need the bell further in front of you - you just need to hike it back harder so that you don't feel like you need to use your shoulders or arms to get it all the way forward.

It's an OK swing, IMHO.  I can't really tell if you are rounding your lower back - looks like that might just be a fashion thing with how your pants sit on your hips.  Your shins stay nice and vertical on your swings.

I would try to get your hips lower and further back to involve them more in your swing - you are using more hamstrings and less hips than you could.

I like how, in your snatch, you finish with the hips first and then the bell floats to the top.

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