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Old Forum Long(er) Term Programming

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Hey Team,


I was wondering if anyone would mind sharing their thoughts on long(er) term programming. After having run Smolov in the past, I realized that performing the movement you want to get good at is all you really need to do to get good at that movement (mind blowing, right?).


Understanding, of course, that it was a peaking program, my question, is where to go from here? I know Pavel and the team has talked about things like ladders but I am interested to learn how one goes about manipulating volume and intensity for long term progress.


Thanks again for everything.


The weightlifter Tommy Kono liked to alternate bodybuilding (sets of 8 - 12 reps) with power training  (sets of 5 reps) and competition periods (actual olympic lifts with low repetitions).

Power lifters like Ed Coan used similar periodizations with 4 weeks of 8 reps, 4 weeks of 5 reps and four weeks of 3 reps.


This is very simple but worked very well since it is not possible to keep top shape all year long.

so after competing it feels really nice to use some lighter weights for higher reps in contrast to the competition.


Marty Gallagher wrote about this extensively in The Purposeful Primitive.  He advices also to periodise cardio and nutrition.

The basic reason for this is just that your body adapts to the point that you cannot induce change anymore (read improve). If this occurs it is necessary to change.
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