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Old Forum Losing fat and gaining muscle results.

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Erik Duarte

Level 1 Valued Member
I switched to a nutrition routine that mainly involves skinless chicken breast, tuna with water in a can, almonds, eggs, broccoli. I went to a nutritionist. I stuck with basic exercises such as pullups, squats, clean and press and cable rows. Some variations of all exercises. For a month.

I kept track of my progress through measuring the waist and weekly weigh ins. Results. were about 7 lbs of muscle gained and 10 lbs of fat lost. I stuck with a basic 2 reps, 5 reps, 10 reps on all except pullups. I have now decided to pick up Dan Johns 28 days kettlebell swing program. Going into day 3 of it.

My nutritionist seemed surprised with the results. I was at first. Even with a child I was able to get at least 8 hours of sleep in due to my baby sleeping throughout the night. I only had one physical job that required me to put 2 days aside . 5 feet 7 inches. 14.6 inch arms, 24 inch thighs and 32 inch waist was the result. A much wider back also . I will post results after Dan Johns program is over.  If you have any questions on anything else about the program or how I approached it I would be glad to answer.
I'm very jealous that your baby sleeps through the night.  You probably don't realize how lucky you are.  I've just passed the 3-year mark for not getting more than 4 consecutive hours of sleep.

Did you restrict calories at all on this plan, or just stick to those foods and self-regulate?  I can't imagine overeating if I had to stick to those 5 foods.
I have a great baby. I love him very much. I was scheduled times when to eat the food I was assigned. I just ate at the times and the food the program told me to eat.  It really wasn't hard because it satisfied my appetite. I did add a drink with almond milk, frozen berries and a little peanut butter. They taste great for me and I still had cravings for them.
I love my kids too.  Just not for their sleeping prowess.

Great results -- congratulations!  All the better that you were able to do it without feeling any deprivation.
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