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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread


Level 6 Valued Member
Just thought to start this and not have to thumb through the other about the beta to see how people are managing it. All the Q&A from GN seems to have covered everything but who knows what else may come up?

I'm 46 yo, a robust 5'7" and 79.2 kg at the start. Estimated 20% bodyfat. Going for a scan next week. Started at a real 10RM on the snatch at 24kg and hit 20kg for 8 on the C&P and opted to stick there with 2x front squats vs 24kg 4RM. Two and a half weeks in the decision feels correct. 2 days in a row of this work hits my nervous sytem just right. Using crossover symmetry for glute and shoulder activation each session.

Been using a hr monitor and tend to go when my hr gets into the 120s. If my body feels good sometimes the low 130s. Aim to stay between 100 and 150bpm and exceed 150 the final quarter of the workout. I train fasted and appreciate the little grind and it's after effects, especially regarding the production of growth horomone.

Anyone else wanna check in? Curious to see where everyone is at on the spectrum! Cheers!! Onward and upward
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I’m digging the program, first half of week 2 completed. Love the balance between ballistic and grind focuses. Love lifting heavy. I actually just realized that phase 1 is meant to be 30min and phase 2 is 20 min. I have been doing 20-23 min sessions so i guess I’ll step that up for the second half of this week.
I’m using uneven bells with my 24 and 28k’s. This is more of a 7-8 rep max but 28/32k was like 3rm. Glad I did not go for strong legs option at this point. Loving snatching heavy @28 k too. Just got this bell before i started marathon training so I haven’t snatched a lot with it yet.
I just ran “The Shoulder smoker” from MKM for 6 weeks with double 16’s to get back into lifting after the marathon cycle. Was planning on running the giant and ksk in block cycles before this bad boy came out. Looking forward to getting strong again. Marathon cycle was way too long. I plan on running a bit during this program too though but nothing much more than 3-5 miles at a time.
Hey what's up @LarryB ,nice to see you in on this :) take a closer look at the times, they stay the same across the weeks and phases. Snatch 20min, cleans and presses and squats 30min. Same as you I'm running jusssssst a lil'bit. 2 to 3x weekly super relaxed liss 4 to 7k no mas... Saludos bro!
take a closer look at the times, they stay the same across the weeks and phases. Snatch 20min, cleans and presses and squats 30min.
I don’t see that anywhere? Or at least it’s not clear to me. Was it in one of the faq emails?

I just re downloaded it and i must have had a different un-updated version. I see it now in my fresh copy. Ty.
I am in to the party. I started monday with 24kg for both, C&P and Snatch. The 24kg are a real 5RM and i opted for the stronger legs. This one feels like a level up to the giant and i like this aproach very much....will see how it goes on. After the first 2 days the rest is very necessary. My HRV is down by quite a bit but i feel good.
In the sessions i went by breathing. Up to now i was able to breath the whole time through the nose and my heartrate stayed between 130 and 150 ( 40 years, 68kg, 169cm)
I already realized that i have to care more for my hands not ripping them in the next sessions.
Thanks for starting this thread @Aziatik, I’m starting up in 2-3 weeks. I’m wrapping up a Built Strong cycle next week, and getting started after a week or so of rest.

I did some testing over the last couple of weeks to set the baselines. Looks like C&P will be 2X32kg and snatches at 24kg, that’s definitely not my best lift. I’m excited to work on those, I’m going for the SFG certification in April, and know that I need some serious work snatching between now and then.

For reference, I’m 5’9” at 87.5 kilos. Body fat is probably in the low 20s, I’ve never been scanned but I may actually go do that before I start to provide better data in my feedback to Geoff. My focus the last few months had been primarily on hypertrophy programming, so this fits well.
Week 4 phase 1. 6 2 and 100kg.. really enjoying it.. great to have snatch as part of a program. Running CP/FSQ with double 32 and snatch 32kg. Also doing BJJ 2/3 a week and no adverse impact on this currently. Looking at how the volume increases I’ll track how this goes into phase 2. Auto-reg key. Snatch NL climbed this week with same RPE..
Week 4 phase 1. 6 2 and 100kg.. really enjoying it.. great to have snatch as part of a program. Running CP/FSQ with double 32 and snatch 32kg. Also doing BJJ 2/3 a week and no adverse impact on this currently. Looking at how the volume increases I’ll track how this goes into phase 2. Auto-reg key. Snatch NL climbed this week with same RPE..
Oy… BJJ on top of Maximorum? I’m halfway through week 3, and I can’t imagine tacking anything on top of this. I question how I’ll do as volume goes up. You are a champ.
Oy… BJJ on top of Maximorum? I’m halfway through week 3, and I can’t imagine tacking anything on top of this. I question how I’ll do as volume goes up. You are a champ.
:) at the minute it’s holding up.. to be fair I’m eating plenty of carbohydrates and calories around 3000 so energy doesn’t seem to be a factor and energy on mat is good.Phase 2 will be tough…..
I did week 3 training 3 today (2,4) and I have to say that my 5RM maybe will be too heavy next week. The progression is so quick that I doubt to be able to do multiple 5 reps next week with this weight and good technique.

I think that I would benefit from a slower progression. Just an observation!
:) at the minute it’s holding up.. to be fair I’m eating plenty of carbohydrates and calories around 3000 so energy doesn’t seem to be a factor and energy on mat is good.Phase 2 will be tough…..
Wow, for your size activity level that seems like it would be maintenance level no? I've been training in the morning and eatimg my first meal somewhere between 2 and 5pm. So far with no adverse affects from not eating right after training. The body is sooooo resilient and seems to thrive on adversity so kudos on all the activity and huge weights. Looking forward to those grinds with the double front squats.
I did week 3 training 3 today (2,4) and I have to say that my 5RM maybe will be too heavy next week. The progression is so quick that I doubt to be able to do multiple 5 reps next week with this weight and good technique.

I think that I would benefit from a slower progression. Just an observation!
Hey, what weight are you working at and at what bodyweight?
Big weights! Solid, thank you... I'm always curious about working weight vs bodyweight. It is something that reveals true strength and force output imo.

This morning I went back into the q&a email from @Geoff Neupert and noted the bit about phase 1 being more about power production, so i made a hard line at 120 bpm between the 4s and 6s in 24kg snatches, week 3 day 4. Whatever final number i got, i got... No pushing for more reps at the end. Wound up with 6 sets of each 120 reps, each rep power focused. Good stuff today.


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180cm/5'11" at 85 kg/188 lbs
Snatch weight 28 kg
DCP and FSQ weight: 24 kg
First snatch day 45 reps
Today week 3 60 reps

First DCP/FSQ day 15 reps total
Day before yesterday week 3 36 reps

I'm fairly sedentary otherwise right now, but do plenty of stairs at work. Progression seems good. Weight has remained 188-190 lbs so far. Delts and biceps seem more defined (Pressing is definitely my weak point), and stairs feel easier when climbing 5-7 flights.

Seems like a great program so far; almost didn't enroll in the beta, and glad I did.
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Week 3 in the books. Started using gymnastics grips on my palm for snatches. High volume snatches always wreck my right hand. Using 28 Kg for both days. Total achieved per session keeps inching up each week without much of an increase in heart rate or perceived effort.
180cm/5'11" at 85 kg/188 lbs
Snatch weight 28 kg
DCP and FSQ weight: 24 kg
First snatch day at15 sets of 3 reps = 45 reps
Today week 3, 10 sets of 4, 6 ladders = 60 reps

First DCP/FSQ day, 15 sets of 1 rep = 15 reps total
Day before yesterday week 3, 9 sets of 1, 3 ladders = 36 reps

I'm fairly sedentary otherwise right now, but do plenty of stairs at work. Progression seems good. Weight has remained 188-190 lbs so far. Delts and biceps seem more defined (Pressing is definitely my weak point), and stairs feel easier when climbing 5-7 flights.

Seems like a great program so far; almost didn't enroll in the beta, and glad I did.
I think you math is off for you snatches on week 3. If you did 10 ladders of 4 and 6 per arm, that totals 100 reps. Very solid job.
48YO Male
187cm/6'2" at 124kg/274lb
Snatch 28kg
DCP and FSQ 24kg
First Day Snatch 126 reps
First DCP and FSQ 32ea

I had to join the party here to see what is going on with everyone on the program. I am currently on Week 2 Day 4. I just came off of The Giant 3.0 with a 24Kg run unilateral to even out symmetry, and also because I have very limited pressing skill. I running this program very specifically as it is written and using the suggestions from the FAQ email to the best of my ability. I am surprised at how good I feel for as hard as I have been pushing. After running 4 of Geoff's programs this year I am really starting to understand that rest is as important as training.

I am noticing that I do need to eat more than I did when running The Giant or RMF. Also I love being able to add snatches to a practice session again. Looking forward to seeing what happens over the next 3 months on this journey with yall.
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