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Metaldrummer's Journal

May 26th 2024

(Didn't have time to foam roll. lol)


Goblet Squat Warm-up
25 x 4, x 4

95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
215 x 3

245 x 3
275 x 2 (Was gonna go for 3 but wasn't feeling it.)
295 x 1 (So I decided to make up for it with a heavier single. lol)
225 x 5


Bar x 8
85 x 5
115 x 3
125 x 1 (Wow WTF? My body does not want to press today.)
105 x 6


225 x 3 d/o
275 x 3 left over, right under
315 x 4 right over, left under (Current 4rm)
295 x 4 left over, right under
225 x 3 d/o


BW x 3, x 3


8 Setting x 4 + 9 Setting x 2

More dislocates and foam rolling

Still not totally recovered from my cold and on about no real sleep but I couldn't wait any longer to train, especially since the gym is closed Monday for memorial day. Also had to train 4hrs earlier since the gym closes at 5pm on the weekend, but I still got a good squat and dead session in. OHP was not happening tho, probably because of lack of sleep/sickness.

Body weight: 179.6 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 30 mins

275 x 2

295 x 1 (Top set)

225 x 5 (Back-off set)

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May 28th 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams


Bar x 8
105 x 5
135 x 4

165 x 3
195 x 1 (Paused)
215 x 0 (Still nope.:mad: )

Pin Press from Floor

215 x 0 (Left side started coming up, but again, nope.)
205 x 1
205 x 1


90 x 7
85 x 7

Barbell Curls

Bar x 8
90 x 7
90 x 5 + 2
Bar x 14 (This was technically a burnout after everything else.)

DB Tricep Extensions

35 x 8 right, x 6 + 3 left
30 x 15 right, 12 + 4 left

DB Curls

45 x 6 right, x 5 + 2 left
40 x 8 right, x 7 + 2 left

More dislocates and foam rolling

Went ok I guess other than failing 215 again. I'm still not totally recovered from being sick. I think once I add some more volume back to bench and OHP things will progress, but right now I'm just trying to get back on schedule. I think it's also time to add some conditioning/cardio in because my weight has basically peaked but my waist is like 39 inches and there's only one more set of holes left in my belt from where it's currently tight. :eek: Once you start maxing your belt out it's probably time to consider slimming down a bit. lol

Body weight: 179 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 20 mins
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Next game plan...

Since I had some good success with it for squats, and since it's scarily similar to how I would program things anyways, I decided I'm gonna run this again...


This last time I used 275-280 as my training max for the percentages (depending on how I was feeling that week) so this time I'm gonna use 290 (25lbs less than my current all out max). I'll also probably keep the second deload this time so I would effectively run 6 weeks, deload and then run the last 4 weeks.

I might use the program for bench again also, but I'm not sure. I missed the single on the 9th week as well as the mock meet last time. It might've been because I used a higher percentage than I should've, but I'm not sure. I also want to keep a second bench day as well because I don't feel like there's enough volume benching only once a week. As far as training max, I'll probably use 200 even tho that might be overreaching again. lol Either way, hopefully I figure out what I'm gonna do for bench before next week so I can start everything at the same time.

Training schedule...

ME Bench and Arms
Tuesday: ME Squat
Wednesday: DE/Volume Bench and OHP
Thursday: OFF
Friday: ME OHP, DE/Volume Squat, ME Deadlift (every other week) and Back Accessories
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: OFF

If all goes to plan hopefully I can hit around a 330 squat and 220 bench in 11 weeks. We shall see...
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Next game plan...

Since I had some good success with it for squats, and since it's scarily similar to how I would program things anyways, I decided I'm gonna run this again...

View attachment 25073

This last time I used 275-280 as my training max for the percentages (depending on how I was feeling that week) so this time I'm gonna use 290 (25lbs less than my current all out max). I'll also probably keep the second deload this time so I would effectively run 6 weeks, deload and then run the last 4 weeks.

I might use the program for bench again also, but I'm not sure. I missed the single on the 9th week as well as the mock meet last time. It might've been because I used a higher percentage than I should've, but I'm not sure. I also want to keep a second bench day as well because I don't feel like there's enough volume benching only once a week. As far as training max, I'll probably use 200 even tho that might be overreaching again. lol Either way, hopefully I figure out what I'm gonna do for bench before next week so I can start everything at the same time.

Training schedule...

ME Bench and Arms
Tuesday: ME Squat
Wednesday: DE/Volume Bench and OHP
Thursday: OFF
Friday: ME OHP, DE/Volume Squat, ME Deadlift (every other week) and Back Accessories
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: OFF

If all goes to plan hopefully I can hit around a 330 squat and 220 bench in 11 weeks. We shall see...
Seems great.
May 31st 2024

(Didn't have time to foam roll again. lol)


Bar x 8
85 x 5 or 6?
110 x 4

125 x 3
125 x 3
125 x 3

DB Shoulders

60's x 3 (f*** missed a rep.)
55's x 4 + 2 + 2 (Really?)


Goblet Squat Warm-up
25 x 4, x 4

95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3

225 x 4
255 x 4
255 x 4 (Technically a set max.)
155 x 6


BW x 4, x 3

Wide Grip Assisted Pull-ups

8 Setting x 4 + 9 Setting x 3 + 2

DB Rows

75 x 5
75 x 6 (Weird)

Shoulder Flys

30's x 7
30's x 7
25's x 7 (Technically after shrugs.)

DB Shrugs

70's x 10
70's x 8 or 10? + 4 (Can't remember exactly.)

More dislocates and foam rolling

Not great but not terrible I guess... Still lacking pressing power for some reason. If I could get over whatever the f*** this sickness is might help. Until then I guess it's just more pre-workout and sudafed before I train. Right now my main goal is to increase volume and increase to 4 days per week which will start next week. I think things should start falling into place once I get a few consistent weeks in with more volume. I also want to lean out a little bit but I'm not gonna worry too much about that yet besides not going overboard with carbs.

Body weight: 177.4 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 55 mins

255 x 4

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So, it looks like I'll using the 12 week peak program again for squat and bench. Tbh I didn't even really look for a different bench program to run. Maybe next time. lol My training maxes will be 290 for squat and 200 for bench for the percentages this time. And of course I'm going to have more than one bench and squat day to get in more volume even tho that's not in the program, but it will probably be no more than 85%.

This week...

Monday Bench: 140 x 3, 160 x 3, 200 x 1, 180 x 3+
Tuesday Squat: 205 x 3, 235 x 3, 260 x 3+, 290 x 1

Not starting out light I guess, but I know it's weight I can hit pretty much any time at this point. Let's get it get it!
June 3rd 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams


Bar x 8
85 x 6
115 x 4

140 x 3
160 x 3
200 x 2 (2nd was a bit of a grinder but form was ok. lol)
180 x 3


90 x 8
90 x 6 (Probably should've gone down to 85 on this but oh well.)

Barbell Curls

Bar x 8
90 x 7
90 x 5 + 2
Bar x 16 (This was technically a burnout after everything else.)

DB Tricep Extensions

35 x 10 right, x 5 + 4 + 2 left (Wtf... Left side went out for some reason.)
30 x 16 right, 12 + 5 left

DB Curls

45 x 7 right, x 5 + 3 left
40 x 8 right, x 7 + 3 left

More dislocates and foam rolling

A good start to bench except I'm already off program. lol Was supposed to only hit 200 for a single but I couldn't help myself. I think it'll be ok tho because next week is just 5's.

Body weight: 178.8 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 30 mins
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June 4th 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams


Goblet Squat Warm-up
25 x 4, x 4

95 x 5
135 x 5
205 x 3

235 x 3
260 x 3
290 x 2 (Current 2rm. Was only supposed to be a single but I felt like pushing it.)

Hamstring Curls

195 x 5 + 3
175 x 8
175 x 7 + 3

Leg Extensions

155 x 8
155 x 7 + 3

More dislocates and foam rolling

Great besides my left shoulder being about a 5 on the pain scale after the set of 260. Of course being the genius I am I went ahead and doubled 290.

Body weight: 177.8 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 35 mins

290 x 2

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June 5th 2024



Bar x 8
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 4 + 2


85 x 5
110 x 5
110 x 5
110 x 5
Bar x 8

More dislocates and foam rolling

As I thought, none of this really made my left shoulder worse, but tbh both arms are feeling tendonitisy. Might have to take a break from upper body for the rest of the week, not sure.

Body weight: 178 lbs

Total time: About 45 mins
June 7th 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams

Seated OHP from Pins

(Pins set below chin.)

Bar x 8
85 x 5

115 x 3
115 x 3
115 x 3


Goblet Squat Warm-up
25 x 4, x 4

95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3

215 x 3
245 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 2


225 x 3 d/o
275 x 3 left over, right under
315 x 1 right over, left under
345 x 1 left over, right under
375 x 0 right over, left under (Meh felt like trying for it. lol)
315 x 3 right over, left under
255 x 6 left over, right under + 1 d/o

Shoulder Flys

30's x 8 + 4

Back Extensions

BW x 8

More dislocates and foam rolling

275 x 3 was the goal today for top set of squats and the strength is definitely there for it, but my shoulder started complaining at about 185. Wasn't planning on doing a second set with 275 but I set the left pin wrong and hit it which pissed me off so I had to do another clean set to soothe my OCD. Shoulder got to about a 4 today which wasn't as bad as Tuesday. For now I'm just playing it by ear and not letting it get over a 4 or so.

Body weight: 177.6 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 45 mins

275 x 3 (Set the left pin one hole too high and hit it on the second rep. :mad:)

275 x 2

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Thinking of taking a deload and then starting back on week 2 of the twelve week program. I'm sort afraid that it won't matter as far as my shoulder tho because I just had 8 days off from squats and 5 days off from everything because I was sick and the pain just came back as soon as I started training again. We'll see what happens next week.
Day 3 of deload... Probably going to go in Wednesday. Hopefully I can stay away from anything heavy. I'm sort of thinking a week off isn't going to really do anything anyways tho and the pain will just come back as soon as I start training again. :rolleyes: I guess we'll see.
June 12th 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams

Goblet Squat Warm-up

25 x 4, x 4

Back Extensions
(Stretch at bottom of reps.)

BW x 4, x 4


Bar x 8
85 x 6
115 x 4

135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5


90 x 7
80 x 7


95 x 5
135 x 5

190 x 5 (No shoulder pain really.)
225 x 5 (Pain shot straight to about 4 here just unracking. :mad:)
245 x 5 (Pain stayed about the same or slightly less.)

DB Tricep Extensions

35 x 4 left, x 4 right (Seeing how my left side feels here.)
30 x 10 left, x 10 right
30 x 10 left, x 10 right

DB Curls

45 x 6 left, x 6 right
45 x 5 left, x 5 right
40's x 8 + 2 (Both arms at same time.)
Barbell x 12

Hang for 20 seconds or so

More dislocates and foam rolling

Shoulder felt ok until I unracked 225, then it shot up to about a 4 at least. I racked it and then rested and cursed another minute or two and then tried again. Pain stayed at about a 3.5 from 225 - 245. Either way, I got everything done that I had to this week and won't be trying to squat heavy again until Tuesday. Tbh squats didn't feel good in general today, although my top set looked ok on vid. I think that may be because I've pretty much eliminated all excess carbs and soda for the most part from my diet. I can already tell doing just that little has my belt fitting looser, but I may need to rethink cutting too much carbs if it starts affecting my energy levels in training.

Body weight: 177 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 45 mins

245 x 5

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June 14th 2024

Dislocates and foam rolling back/hams


Bar x 8
85 x 5
110 x 3
125 x 3
125 x 3
125 x 3 (Almost dropped the weight here but glad I didn't.)
110 x 5


Goblet Squat Warm-up
25 x 4, x 4

95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 8 (Current 8rm. lol)
245 x 5


BW x 4, x 3, x 3

Barbell Rows

155 x 6
165 x 5 + 4


165 x 8 (Snatch grip.)

Farmer's Walk with 135 (To put the weights away. lol)

Shoulder Flys

35's x 7
35's x 7
30's x 7

DB Shrugs

70's x 10
70's x 8 or 10? (Lost track.)

Hamstring Curls

195 x 4 (Too much for today. lol)
175 x 8

Hang for 30 + 10 seconds

More dislocates and foam rolling

Everything went ok besides being too wiped out for dumbell shoulders. I also decided to do the top set of the last squat workout after I got a new 8rm with 225. Wasn't really planned, just decided to go for it. Shoulder pain only got to about a 2, and I think it might be at least partly due to bar position.

Body weight: 176.2 lbs

Total time: About 1 hr 45 mins

245 x 5 (After 225 x 8)

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