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Other/Mixed Mitochondria Interview

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)

John K

Level 9 Valued Member
Certified Instructor

Mitochondria seems always popular here. This was an interesting conversation. Can't say I followed all of it, but around the hour mark they talk a little more about practical workout stuff. I haven't done Strong Endurance so can't say much as far as whether this jives with it or not, but their training talk for the most part jived with what I've learned from, say, The Uphill Athlete folks.

I think the most interesting practical take away for me was where he talks about there being 3 "zones" - above the first but below the second lactate threshold, threshold work, and then above VO2 max. I guess my understanding was that the lower intensity was supposed to be at or below the first threshold, but he seemed to be saying you should at least be just above the first threshold.

They do talk some about mitochondrial fusion/fission and lactate as a signal for mitochondrial adaptation. Can't say I follow all of it.

Anyways, lots of info on mitochondria for those interested.

I'm halfway through but the things that resonated with me were;
a) analogy with the food pyramid
b) the need for periodization
c) why the same training leads to different results across a team
d) wiggly worms :)
I just finished listening to it twice.

It strongly reflects the strong endurance message.

Of the three main energy systems, (CP , glycolytic, aerobic), build up your capacity in the CP and aerobic, so that you can spare the glucose.

While preparing...
Train to increase low intensity, high duration.
Train to increase high intensity, low duration.

When it's showtime...
Express high intensity, high duration.

As I would explain this, chase increases in absolute strength, and endurance. Save the no man's land in-between for when it matters.
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