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Old Forum Mobility

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Level 2 Valued Member
So I wanted to ask a quick question on some issues I have had for awhile now.

There are two things I'm currently struggling with, hip and ankle mobility. I think that there were two reasons that led to me having so many problems.

1. Running too much with no stretching or SMR. I remember feeling extremely tight and sore in hip flexors and calves after some runs.

2. Somewhat sedentary job (driving around in an ambulance for long periods of time) and having to wear tactical boots that are high on the ankles.

Either way, my squatting abilities are poor and I can't even fathom the thought of being able to perform a pistol squat. When I run, I develop pain in my knees... typically at longer distances and running on uneven terrain or up/down hill. Downhill is worse.

As of right now, I've been trying to open up my hips using the "couch stretch" and other hip extension stretches by Kelly Starret. For the ankles, I've tried stretching my calves, banded ankle mobility drills, SMR on heel cord and calves, and trying to stretch my ankle into a better position during a squat.

I just wanted to pick your brain and see if there are any other ideas or recommendations. Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to be patient and grind through the stretches and SMR until I see the improvement I want.

I really like the changes in my body after I started doing the original strength resets everyday.

Once I started crawling for time, I saw even more remarkable improvements, even from baby crawling.

For a restorative day, I'll do something like the following:

10 min rolling patterns

20 head nods

10 min rocking

30 - 50 min baby crawling/ low hip crab crawling

10 min marching

40 lying cross crawls

40 deadbugs

Check out the free videos on their website, and then once you're convinced, buy the book.

Best advice I have ever received and I got it here on this forum...
I can't believe I forgot to include this...

I've been doing OS routines but probably not near as much as I should. I bought the book and have basically been doing the "press reset" routine which isn't a whole lot. 10 minutes straight of some of these things would probably make a huge difference.

Where do you crawl at?

I'm strongly considering buying the OS DVD and probably the Strongfirst one as well to use them as reference for basic movements and strength.

Great advice! Anyone else have any other ideas?
I am 51 and mobility is something I try to improve.

For Shoulders I do a combination of Band Dislocates, band pull apart, and face pulls.  I do 100 every time I work out, this has helped tremendously.

For hips, I just started


If post doesn't work just google GMB 8 hip exercises.  I like the way this flows.


Another thing that is really simple but affective is just sit in a squat for as long as you can.  I think Kelly S recommends 10 min, I can not do this yet, but I sit as low as I can with good form, balance on my power rack as needed and just sit there.


I am seeing improvement


Dan -- those 10 min squat sessions are brutal! I'll have to keep working on those.

I liked the video, I'll definitely have to incorporate some of those stretches into my routine.

Anything you guys have used to maintain or improve ankle mobility?
Tyler, I do all my crawling backwards and forward down a hall and for lateral side to side across my living room.
I have similar tightness in my ankles and hips.  I can pull off a pistol bit my squat form needs work.  Also there is no way I could stay in a full squat for 10 min as Kelly says we should be able to do.  I'm doing all the same mobility work you are and it's getting better.

I think patience is key just like building strength. It will come with time.
Travis -- I guess it feels better knowing I'm not the only one that struggles... it seems like everyone I know can drop into a decent squat and has great ankle mobility. I'll continue working on it and be patient and persistent. Thanks for the help guys!
I've found the things that work for me are the banded ankle stretch, couch stretch and just spending time in a full squat focusing on tracking my knee over my small toe.

Have you watched the latest 14 day challenge from Kelly? It had alot of good hip and ankle mobility drills.

Where are you located?

Since you are having knee pain etc... I think an SFMA evaluation would be a good idea or if pain free outside of running than maybe an FMS screen.
Tyler-  Kelly Starret has a great book that I've been working through, "Ready to Run".

I had worked up to the mobility, ability for  pistols, but lost it a couple years back with a new job and a very long commute.  Same thing with close stance [feet touching] body-weight squats.

In Ready to Run, Kelly works through ankle mobility and a bunch of other stuff he says is required for pain-free running.  I am just in the middle of the programming, but have gained a bunch in dorsi flexion [a weak point for me].

Main focus of the work was to complete the run part of the Murph Challenge since I have not really run for years.  That mission was accomplished big time, and pain free.  But also I've been battling some plantar fasciitis.  Ready to Run ankle mobility protocols seem to help with this, but I've not beat it yet.
Tyler, if you're anywhere near me or want to work via Skype, let me know.   (You can reach me via the links on, and you can look at some of my "stupid human tricks" when it comes to things like squatting, cossacks, splits, etc.)

Brett -- I'm only having issues with my knees when I run for about 3-4 miles. For the FMS, I struggled on the overhead squat but performed it well with my heels on the platform. I lacked in shoulder mobility on my right side and I struggled with the leg raise. (I've since been stretching my hamstrings and I think I'd do better now...) and rotary stability.

Michael -- I own Ready to Run and Supple Leopard. I've been working through both of them when I can and have seen some improvements in some areas but my ankles haven't improved much yet. Maybe they are just really glued down...

For those that asked, I live in Charlotte, NC

Tyler, I live in Charlotte as well (Mint Hill/Matthews).  I have been to Greenapple Sports and Wellness off of Park Rd.  They do SFMA and their staff are heavily involved with many athletes especially runners.
Paul -- Great to see other members that are close by! I'll have to look into them.

Has anyone had issues with rotator cuff impingements during the OHP or TGUs? Every now and then I have some flare ups that are a minor inconvenience at times.
I thought I had a rotator cuff issue about 9 mo ago but it ended up being some trigger points in my infraspintus muscle that was causing me the pain.  Took to some ball and foam rolling and got rid of it.  It came back about a week ago after some intense weekend activity but I was able to get rid of the pain quickly over a couple days.
Travis -- I haven't been diagnosed with anything but assumed maybe it was so after researching some of the symptoms. I do see some improvements after SMR, trigger point work, and stretching but it seems to reoccur often. Especially on days after I workout. It seems worse after than when I'm actually pressing.
I figured I would mention what my experiences were incase you had similar problems.  Sounds like you've already experimented with SMR.
Travis, I do appreciate you sharing your experiences! SMR and stretching seems to be a temporary fix but after awhile the "impingement" pinch seems to return.

I've been looking into some stretches / mobility drills to do as a warmup and I came across the KB arm bar.

I did these and 1/2 getups today prior to my presses and my shoulders felt great. I'm going to try and do these everyday for the 1 minute goal to see if it improves overall shoulder mobility and stability.
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