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Old Forum Need help with ballistics

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I have a bit of an unusual need. I have no feeling from about the middle of each shin down and therefore a lack of balance. This makes it very difficult to do ballistic kb movements, specifically swings. I can do them, just at a very limited weight (<20 pounds). I can do higher weights but only for a few reps ~5. So my question is, am I better off doing high rep low weight or low rep high weight. Or maybe substitute C&J's for swings? My main goal is conditioning (I'm using swings for conditioning since I can't run). I also periodically do battling ropes and swim. I have available a stap system, #12 (1), #25 (1), #35 (3) kb's, and a medicine ball for use at home.


That said, I've been using kettlebells and following Comrade Pavel since the Muscle Media days. Glad to see your new site. It looks great.
Don, first, please make sure your doctor is OK with you doing the lifts you're now doing.  No one is qualified to tell you, over the Internet, what may or may not be appropriate for someone with your particular limitations.

I suggest you work with an SFG in person.   If you don't mind posting your location, people here who are nearby can offer their assistance, and if you don't find an instructor here, I will post on our FaceBook instructor's group for you.

Steve, thanks. My doc has already cleared me. I'm a nurse as well so I am pretty in touch with what I can safely do. I am in Pensacola, FL. Haven't seen anyone locally that does kb specific training.

It's more of an issue of being able to keep good form. I tend to fall/have to step forward when I do swings. It's not so much of an issue with C&J, possibly because the weight doesn't move so far in front of my COG. I've thought about experimenting with a wider stance or even a slightly staggered stance.
I would not do swings; I would not do any lift in which your form puts your safety at risk, and your swings certainly sound like that.

I have asked on our FB group for someone in your city - I posted a link to this thread directly.

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