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Off-Topic New but Not New

Zeus Megabeard

First Post
Hi all, finally got around to signing up here. I used to knock around the DragonDoor forums as “Orbster” back in the 2000’s.

I’ve stayed training pretty consistently since (apart from a few years off when my daughter was born) and indulged in competitive powerlifting, some Jailhouse Strong stuff from Josh Bryant and now I inevitably find myself drawn back to my love affair with kettlebells.

I’ve enthusiastically reread all the books from Pavel I own and have just read Q+D twice in a few days. I’m currently alternating daily between the 5:4 swings on a 40kg kb and press-ups and the 10:2 snatches on a 24kg and really enjoying it.

Body composition is improving for sure and it will be interesting to test strength again at some point.
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