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[NEW ONLINE COURSE] KNOCK ‘EM DEAD: The Ultimate Deadlift Guide for World Class Strength & Skill byFabio Zonin, Master SFG Instructor

One other thing. Reload is marketed at the rear of the pdf as a five exercise programme. My copy must be five years old. Are there many changes in the latest issue?
I believe RELOAD offers a range of programming options depending on goals and available time for the practicioners' schedule.

Which does include a 5 exercise schedule.
I was thinking either:

PTTP bench presses with 3 day KED 1
KBSF LCCJ 2 days a week with 2 day KED 1

Iron Cardio would probably work well too.

My reload is from 2022 and is based on 4 main lifts, not 5. I wonder if it’s just a typo in the PDF?
Good shout. I was overlooking the two day option.
In which case, I could just swap out the deadlift from Reload with KED. In which case there are a load of options. Two, three, four (or five?) main exercises plus with or without specialised variety.
I believe RELOAD offers a range of programming options depending on goals and available time for the practicioners' schedule.

Which does include a 5 exercise schedule.
Yes, I know what you mean, it can definitely be customised to be five.
I don't think Reload gets the attention it deserves.
Yes, I know what you mean, it can definitely be customised to be five.
I don't think Reload gets the attention it deserves.
Btw I double checked.
Yes, programming is presented for 4 selected exercises. And The format is extensible.
I only queried at the text in the KED manual states for Reload "Choose 2 to 5 lifts...".
I can probably figure out a good balanced schedule but thought a repurchase might be worthwhile given I'm such an advocate. A bit like upgrading to S&S2.0 so to speak.
Yes, I know what you mean, it can definitely be customised to be five.
I don't think Reload gets the attention it deserves.
Oddly enough, outside of SF places, RELOAD gets a fair amount of praise and attention.

At least when it first came out. There were a bunch of posts talking about great results on Reddit.

I agree it is weird more people don’t talk about it here though.
Just finished my first week of KED I.
I really like the format and timings, with the option to include or exclude the third day.
I've opted for two days first time around as I haven't deadlifted in earmest since the pandemic.
I'll use this time to watch and rewatch the materials. To video myself and select a suitable specialised variety to add in when I repeat the programme with the third day and the extra volume.
I should have a better feel of my RM by then and will then do KED II.
What are people intending to do alongside KED please?

The obvious choice is Victorious; barbell deadlift and kettlebell military press.

Other options that came to mind;

a) Iron Cardio - shorter time based sessions. Or is this too much hinging with the cleans?
b) Built Strong Minimalist - minimal. Perhaps replacing either squat or pulls to keep at 3 exercises.

I only accessed the content on Friday but the videos have been excellent so far. The programmes were not what I was expecting - which is a good thing! They're not simple but are well explained and individualised to the week on week progress. Really glad I purchased.

One other thing. Reload is marketed at the rear of the pdf as a five exercise programme. My copy must be five years old. Are there many changes in the latest issue?
I was thinking Victorious as well, though that could be 5-6 days a week of some long sessions especially during Victorious peak weeks.

The other thing I was thinking is some A+A LCCJ. I’m mindful of doing anything with high rep or heavy hinges, though.
I was thinking Victorious as well, though that could be 5-6 days a week of some long sessions especially during Victorious peak weeks.

The other thing I was thinking is some A+A LCCJ. I’m mindful of doing anything with high rep or heavy hinges, though.
I've actually opted for LCCJ.
I have just finished Victorious and hit a new PR with the 36 kg so have decided to take a break (ish).
I'm doing 12 minutes of double kettlebells IC as a warm up on the light day and 6 minutes on the heavy day. Just to grease the groove on press and squat and get the heart pumping.
I did 20' Plan A on Tuesday. I could have done more and stopped having mixed up the timings for the KBSF swing and LCCJ protocols.
I will then throw in as many deload days as I feel necessary. I may even cut back to 20' if recovery is an issue.
Looking forward to test week next after almost three months of KED1.
I've done 11 weeks of the programme but actually missed some time over the holidays and stretched it out.
Used my previous prepandemic 2019 PB weight for multiple sets of 2 reps today and 5 kg more than I could lift last year when I bought a barbell for use at home.
Looking forward to test week next after almost three months of KED1.
I've done 11 weeks of the programme but actually missed some time over the holidays and stretched it out.
Used my previous prepandemic 2019 PB weight for multiple sets of 2 reps today and 5 kg more than I could lift last year when I bought a barbell for use at home.
New PB of 170 kg after peaking cycle of KED1. Really happy with progress :-)
Previous tests were; 155 kg in 2022 and 160 kg in 2019.
So that's basically +10% from last year.
I tried 175 kg and broke it off the floor but couldn't get it further.
New PB of 170 kg after peaking cycle of KED1. Really happy with progress :)
Previous tests were; 155 kg in 2022 and 160 kg in 2019.
So that's basically +10% from last year.
I tried 175 kg and broke it off the floor but couldn't get it further.
Well done
New PB of 170 kg after peaking cycle of KED1. Really happy with progress :-)
Previous tests were; 155 kg in 2022 and 160 kg in 2019.
So that's basically +10% from last year.
I tried 175 kg and broke it off the floor but couldn't get it further.
Nice! Thanks for letting us know.

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