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Level 1 Valued Member
Hi guys,


new to the forum and just ordered Simple and Sinister and was wondering about a few things.


First off I am a former Crossfitter but when I met my now fiance 3 years ago i stopped going ($$ reasons)  and did not have motivation to go to a globo gym, did not seem worth it. I have been not working out much and been eating like a 13 year old and put on about 30 lbs. I just turned 30 in November and it is very discouraging coming from where I was in my early to mid twenties.

Over the past couple months I have been sporadically in the gym doing some powerlifting, going too heavy, getting major DOMS, which has lead to a lot of inconsistancy and lack f progress.

I am 5' 11 and am weighing in at about 246-250# depending on the day with a 40" you can see what i need.

In the quest to lift heavy consistently (a la Pat Flynn's advice) I found Dan Johns 40 day workout. I am 8 days in doing:

deadlift (315-335 for a 2x5 or 1,2,3, 1,2,3 ladder) bench(205-215 - i always sucked at this) dumbell rows/batwings, a set of 30-50 24kg swings, and 5 ab wheels.

Doing above 5 days a week, except when a blizzard closes the gym !

I also add PLP after that but at my weight I can only manage 5 consecutive strict pull-ups so I am on day 8 now and already need to break that up.

Anyway..... after I finish the 40 day program I want to start Simple and Sinister.

First question...should I start S&S a couple days a week while I finish my 40 day workout?

Given the stats above should I start at the 24kg, own that and then buying a 32kg? How soon should I think about buying the 32? (I can do 50+ straight swings with the 24 and TGU pretty stable at that weight as well, double 24kg press for 8 reps)

I should mention I am going to Mexico April 5th with friends and would love some fat loss with all this how much would you expect to see? (I have been eating clean for a couple weeks now and know diet is everything I know)

Just looking for some advice given my background on where I should start with the program, and should I add in additional work for fat loss? And should I work it in a couple days while finishing the 40 day work out (I expect the book to be in by the 12th)

Thanks again in advance and sorry for the long first post!
Hi Jay,

Welcome to the forum!

"should I start S&S a couple days a week while I finish my 40 day workout?"

Finish one program first, then start S&S.


"where I should start with the program"

Technique first, and only after then I would worry about the weight.


"should I add in additional work for fat loss?"

Yes. Cut grains, sugar, alcohol, add few sets of steak and vegetables every day (google Prima/Paleo/Whole30... ), and add daily walks with your significant one.


Wait for the book, read it thoroughly many times, don't hurry, be patient and consistent - failure is not an option.
Thanks for the replies......I'll be sure to do a couple of reads while I am finishing the 40 day workout.

so interesting all the articles I am reading about daily brisk walks for fat simple but always overlooked due to the lack of intensity.

I do do feel I need to spend some time perfecting ,swing...I will definitely be taking the 75-100 swings I have it the 40 day very seriously.

there is a SFG kb seminar  coming to town next month....might be worth the $300.


on another note used 335# for deadlifts yesterday doing 2 x 1, 2, 3 ladders. While it went up fine it felt pretty heavy and I was sweating pretty good.....wondering if  I am going to heavy for what the 40 day program is supposed to be??


thanks again.....GO PATS!



Calm yourself down and center your chi; you're all over the place.

- diet for body comp - period

- "practice" swings and get ups after your lifts

- read S&S; then read it again

- "would love to lose some weight", does not indicate a goal that you have "marked in sand".  Change that attitude and get on a plan.

- what's your most recent DL max?

- post a video of these swings
Hi Jay - Simple and Sinister isn't just the name of the book; it's the attitude and approach you need to adopt when undertaking the program. Do not underestimate the physical impact of the program. As example I have been "picking heavy stuff up" for nearly 30 years and in all that time I have only ever lost a lift once - two days ago on the last TGU of my S&S drill. It's tougher than it looks on paper and you need to de-clutter your head and pare down your focus.

Don't make the mistake I did and think you know better than The Chief - read and reread and follow the drill EXACTLY and you will be amazed at the impact. PM's and AC's advice above is, as always, absolutely spot on!

I've lost about 30 lbs and nearly 4 inches off the waist line in 4 months of S&S (5 days/week starting at 16 kg) with a bit of cardio (rowing mainly) thrown in, and, importantly trying to eat about 2000-2500 kcal / day. Very little muscle soreness, no injuries. It is a great program.

I'd also recommend reading Fat Loss Happens on Mondays - only decent diet book I've ever read.
Besides all the other great advice I would recommend the book Eat,Stop,Eat by Brad Pilon if you are concerned with losing body fat.
I'll echo Karl's advice.  You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, but you need to find out where that line is for you.  I don't think the workout you're doing matters as long as you're in that negative energy balance.  People around the world have success with all kinds of approaches to their food and all kinds of approaches to their exercise.  Just find your deficit and work on eating quality foods that you enjoy.

Find your comfortable, sustainable deficit, finish the 40 day, then begin S&S when you're ready to focus on it.  From personal experience, when I start one program without finishing the last, it's hard to devote myself to it.
Thank you everyone for the great responses!

I finish the 40 day on March 19th then onto S&S....I will come back to this thread once I am started up. I should have time to really digest the material before I get started, which is good.

I will also try to get some video of the swings as I KNOW I NEED critique, I can feel it in the swings.

Thanks again for the advice
- what’s your most recent DL max?

I have not maxed in a really long time! I checked my journal and It was so long ago it was 2012, weighed 204# and hit 420#  DL @ crossfit. I have just been doing 5's and 3's and now the 40 day program so have not tested it yet.
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