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Old Forum Pain in crease at hip/groin

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Chris F.

Level 3 Valued Member
Hi All,


has as anyone experienced this? I've gotten a slightly nagging pain that I think may have been caused by the jump from 24 to 32 doing one arm swings for S&S. I took my time adding in the heavier weight and felt really good but I'm wondering if the slight anti-rotation did something to my labrum? I've stopped training for about three weeks now and the pain is still there especially when leg is bent e.g. driving the car. I thought it might have been a semi-mild muscle strain but now I'm kinda concerned. I do plan on seeing a ortho if it doesn't abate soon. Just wondering if anyone has ever had a similar thing and what advice could offer would be appreciated.



You write that you haven't trained in 3 weeks. Go to a doctor. A mild muscle strain would feel better after a week or two. Don't fool around with this.

Keep us posted.

-Al S.
+1 to what Al S. said.  Groin injuries can take a long time to heal if that's what you have, but you won't know until you see professional.


I mentioned this on a previous thread, but I experienced a what-sounds-similar pain in my hip/groin a few months ago. I was also concerned about a labral tear, and I immediately consulted a physio who works with football (soccer) players here in the UK.

It turned out to be ilio-psoas bursistis and it resolved with three treatment session and about six weeks of rehab work (FMS, OS type floor work).  The tall-kneeling drills from Dan John and Gray Cook's recent DVD have been almost a revelation in improving my hip lock-out mechanics, and I'm now back on RoP with no problems.

But you must get this assessed by a professional ASAP!
In addition to getting checked for the hip pain

once you are back in the swing (pun intended) of things make sure you get your deadlift and swing form checked by an SFG and an FMS screen if possible
Thanks Brett. I did take a few privates with an excellent RKC 2 a few years ago. I also scored a 19 on the FMS. But maybe a refresher wouldn't be a bad idea...
Gentlemen, wanted to give an update here: saw an orthopedic doctor yesterday. Seems like I have some genetic variance of angle in the left hip that's led to a mild cartilage tear of the labrum. It's mostly irritated when sitting and most exercise is fine--no pain. The doc says continue to live my life and keep doing what I'm doing as long as it doesn't get worse. Surgery is an ordeal for this issues and my injury is not very severe. I am continuing S&S but added more rest days. I will probably do it no more than 3-4 times a week rather than 5-6. I'm pretty flexible. Pistol squats and full bridges and wall walks are no problem. That said, I'm skipping goblet squats. Instinct tells me so.
Hi Chris,

I'd be interested to see if removing goblet squats changes your pain if you keep pistols in. Keep us posted!
I've had pretty bad left hip crease pain before. It gets to where sitting in the car is painful, walking is painful, exercise is painful. It has always been resolved by consistent (and uncomfortable) self trigger point work on the psoas. I highly recommend "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies.
Remember that doctors are trained to see symptoms through a particular lens, just as PTs and chiropractors are within their respective fields. I think Gray Cook points out that if everyone had their back examined without first being screened (and with no symptoms), half the population would be diagnosed with a spine problem, even though most of those are false positives because the people wouldn't actually have any symptoms. I was never supposed to play guitar again because of some structural damage (unless I wanted to keep up with cortisone injections and surgery). I thought that was a weak evaluation and went to a physical therapist and they treated some trigger points in the forearm and now its like I never had any problems. That's where I first learned about trigger points.
I always advocate trying the least invasive solution first. If that works, you spare your body (and your wallet) the trauma of more invasive medical treatments. Self trigger point therapy is as good as it gets for low cost and low invasiveness. With that book I've been able to help end nagging pain in family and friends that they thought would require surgery. I'm not a PT, but now I understand the satisfaction that comes with helping people resolve pain just from using this book.
Glad you got it checked

What was your foot position during the Goblet squats?

straight ahead or turned out

you likely need enough turn out to allow for the difference in the hip structure etc...
What Brett said.   I have always had to have one foot turned slightly out more than the other, too - just the way some of us are built.

Consider also honing your technique to razor sharpness - find your correct swing stance, find a weight you can manage, and do only the closest to perfect swings you can do - and then stop.   It can be very tempting to do the reps and sets "by the book" but your health comes first, and that might even mean that you go by feel for sets and reps and you don't push it when it doesn't feel right.

Jca17 thanks for the suggestion! I will get that book.

Brett and Steve, I do do them with feet pointing straight ahead. Guess I'll re-evaluate that move then. The good news was though that I could keep doing every thing I'm doing. He was happy that I'm in shape and keep a good body weight since they also X-rayd my knee and half the cartilage is gone on theta left knee (same side as hip). His only concern was if I'm a year 'round runner but I'm not. He told me take 1500 mgs of glucosemene. I could probably stand a form check though. I took a few privates with Will Williams several years ago but like I said, several years ago.
Joe, will do! I don't do pistols often--more like a variety day move but they are ok as long as I really watch form and dont do too many reps.
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