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Other/Mixed Pain in Training (What do I do now?)

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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John K

Level 9 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
I thought I'd share a couple articles that have been helpful for me, regarding training with pain. They might be helpful for you personally or with clients. They're barbell-focused but I think the principles apply outside of that as well. I have mostly used these for myself, but I have also shared one of the articles with a client and it was very helpful to them to not catastrophize their pain and have the confidence to continue training (and eventually back to no pain / full recovery).

A lot of the benefit to me has been in the mindset shift they've encouraged in me.

I am not a medical professional. I am sharing these articles in an attempt to provide education regarding pain and injury related to lifting and not as an attempt to diagnose or recommend treatment options.

These two are by some physical therapists that are also barbell coaches, from a group called Progressive Rehab. They also have a podcast that is very informative.

3 Analogies to Help You Train When In Pain

Athlete Recovery

The "traffic light" analogy in the latter article is very helpful, and reminds me of the traffic light analogy used with diet.

These are from some medical doctors over at Barbell Medicine.

On Pain and Movement

Pain in Training

Recovery From an Injury

If you're dealing with pain in training, hopefully something here was helpful.
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