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Kettlebell Press stronger than squat? Odd?

Why put your pressing on maintenance? With your numbers you can pursue increasing both without deleterious impact. You could run Pavel or Faleev 5x5 on both. Or if you wanted to run Geoff’s programming OLAD 3.2
That sounds even better, thanks mate. I have ultra and express so I’ll check out OLAD 3.2.
Why put your pressing on maintenance? With your numbers you can pursue increasing both without deleterious impact. You could run Pavel or Faleev 5x5 on both. Or if you wanted to run Geoff’s programming OLAD 3.2
I was thinking similar. Just prioritize them both at the same time while doing some conditioning with it. Swings, snatches, cleans, cl and jerks. Whatever you want for your conditioning.
So, for OLAD 3.2, i would do clean and push press instead of jerk, as I haven’t really done any jerk. At worst, I could plain old C&P. The dbl snatch, haven’t done much of but could definitely use dbl clean, which wouldn’t irritate my shoulder but I think it’d work quite well, and I could do that for quite a while, working up through my bells.

I always do a sled day, which would fit in with this. I think it’ll work well.
It’s not uncommon for different exercises to have different strength levels. If your shoulder rehab has been focused, it’s normal for your press to be stronger than your squat at the moment. To improve your squat, you can focus on specific squat exercises and gradually increase your weight. Keep working hard, and your squat strength will catch up.
I was thinking similar. Just prioritize them both at the same time while doing some conditioning with it. Swings, snatches, cleans, cl and jerks. Whatever you want for your conditioning.
Actually the Strongfirst 5x5 looks perfect. I could do both press and squat as the same time. I’m definitely not an advanced lifter so it will suit both needs for me.
I tried it this morning, squats no problem. My press, it’s almost there, but I’ll slowly work that back up.

I’ve been doing Strong since June 2022 with a few breaks here and there. Have loved it, so I’ll just stick with what I know and like and do Strong DBLKBFSQ phase 1. It’s pretty short, and I think starting with my 2x24, I’m confident when I’m done I’ll be ready to re do it with my 2 x 28, and possibly even 32’s after that.

I’ll slowly build low rep press at the same time, until it feels 100%
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