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Old Forum Press variations that thrive on low volume?

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Level 6 Valued Member
Question is in the title.

doing PTP at the moment & am wondering what to plug in other than bench that would thrive on 5,3,2 3 times a week.

Only ones I can think of are
Bench & bench variations (as mentioned in pavels best press article),
Maybe Dips,
& TGU maybe.

Any ideas on good presses for relatively low volume programme or whether dips are good etc?

If I switch in Barbell military Clean & press I will prob change the rep scheme to 5,4,3,2,1 as someone previously suggested still only 45 reps a week though. Though I am practising hand balancing on the side.

5,4,3,2,1 done 5 days a week would be 75 reps a week, not 45. Where is your clean & press at now? I found I was able to make pretty good progress doing 5,3,2 with it.
Jason, he's planning on doing PttP 3 times a week.

Cearball, I'm not a huge fan of low volume on only 3 workouts a week. It works for some people, but not for me (besides benching which as Pavel has noted responds well to low volume).

TGU is different, because 1 rep takes about 30 seconds. If you do get ups 3 times a week with 5 or so reps each side you will probably make progress. But, it doesn't work great for PttP, because cycling is tricky.

I have found that the side press responds better than the military press to low volumes, my guess is that it's a more complicated lift so I gain a whole lot more in terms of neuromuscular adaptations.

If you're doing clean and press then I would honestly recommend a Texas Method-esque progression. Start the weak with a volume day (5x5), have an easy day in the middle (3x5) and then a heavy day at the end of the week (5,3,2).

If you want to stick with a more general PttP style plan I would recommend a few more back off sets. Wave the weight up and down, but do something like 5, 5(90% of original), 2x5 (80% of original). Just to get a couple more reps in. The last two back off sets will be super easy, it's just practice.
Overhead press works fine On low volume. I brought mine to 3x5 at 165 with micro loading. Once you still alternate 3x5 with 3x3, both ascending. just because some think it doesn't work doesn't make it fact. It's just kb allow for high volume due to loading. I pressed double 28 for 112 reps yesterday in 20 minutes. What's better for strength?  I will say though that I love the higher volume lighter weight work.
If you happen to own squat stands and a barbell you can just leave a working weight loaded on the bar.  5, 3, 2, 3 x per week probably wouldn't be enough, and ladders would work better.  Still you don't have to clean the weight and you get both arms done at the same time.  Also you can "rest" between sets by practicing squats with your press weight.  Thank Sechenov.
Maybe if you only press you need volume, but if you combine bench/press work then low volume works fine. This is evident by many great pressers who do just that. As much as I love Pavels writings, realize there are many other valid methods of strength training. The post above about the texas method is a great example. That's a logical  progression based on weekly adaptation to stress which allows great strength to be obtained.   If you to 70's big there are 100+ members who press bodyweight or more. some use random programming and many just use an lp and taper. Lots use advanced texas method programming. Maybe 2 ever use ladders or easy strength. This is not a bash, just realize there is much more out there than just what's here.


Ok thanks for advice people.

I guess I will just plug a different press in at the end of the cycle & stick with the 5,3,2  rep scheme & see what happens.

If I feel there is not much progress could add in some easyish back off sets to up the volume.

Clean & press is probably around 52-55 kg, haven't tested it in awhile at 78kg bodyweight.
Eric, Soviet experiments in the 1960s arrived at the optimal volume of overhead presses—and it is high.  30-50 a session; about 400 a month.  I am glad you succeeded in building your MP using a low volume; most people will not be able to do it.  One exception—a pronounced systemic muscle gain from squats, etc.
Your numbers are good, but you have room to grow. Are you in a sport that requires weight classes? If not, are you willing to gain weight. At 55kg for a clean and press you need basic work. simply micro loading might help a good 10 pounds or so.
No weight classes I need to adhere to.

I just don't particularly like adding weight for the sake of it. A kilo or 5 over a good few years would be acceptable. But about a year ago gained about 10 ish kilos over 3 months so if anything I am trying to lose a little weight.
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