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Old Forum Programming

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hello strong people


I am 35 and started training a couple of years ago. Multi joint barbell exercises. I have little understanding of programming so I have done different protocols recommended by Rippetoe, Dan john, Wendler and so on and of course they have worked when followed to the letter. But I want to understand the thinking behind programming. Set and rep schemes, volume - intensity relationship, concepts of fatigue, training frequency, exercise cycling and such. I read several articles everyday but I am not experienced or clever enough to deduce what's crap and what is not. It seems as if it's always 'do this, not that' and the next day 'do that, not this' and I am just not capable of discarding the bullshit. I am from Denmark and we have absolutely no training culture at all. The equivalent to Planet Fitness is almost all there is and HIT training is all the rave here now.

What I would really love is to be able to plan my own programs. I know it requires much more knowledge than I currently possess, but I want to learn from people much smarter than me - hence this post.  I have read Pavels books, several books from Dan John, Rippetoe, Wendler, Rooney, as well as hundreds of articles from 'respectable' sites as EliteFts and T-nation but though I feel I know more than two years ago when I started, I also feel like I am on some sort of journey which will eventually take me full circle back to something much more simple than where I am at right now. I love Dan John and Pavels writings because they are clear and simple about what works but I am missing a piece of the puzzle. Probably because I am not experienced enough to connect all the dots. I want to go beyond just picking up one proven program after another - even if they work well. I want to understand how these programs come about and how I can make my own and how to get to grips with leaving some movements or at least exercises a side for a period without worrying about squat numbers or whatever.


I hope some one smarter than me can point me in some direction? Books/articles to read by masters of the trade or another way of thinking or concepts to explore. Anything.


sorry for the long post. Hopes it makes at least some sense..


Hi Mads - I will assume you have read Dan Johns "Intervention", which I believe outlines a clear process for program construction, if not, then start there.
Otherwise, building a program begins with having a goal, an objective, something that you wish to accomplish down the road.  Once you have the goal, then you can choose from the programs offered by the men you mentioned to best suit your needs.  you don't need to create a program, you can if you choose, but the standards are the standards for a very good reason ... they work.  Pavel, Dan John, etc. have reverse engineered program based on the desired results.  where are you now, where do you want to be, what tools do you need to get yourself there, in the most efficient way.  you might get a more instructive response form this forum, if you spell out your goals first.  there are many reading this forum who probably have had the same goals and achieved them using programs which you have read about.  If you have a goal in mind and you are recommended a program to use to achieve that goal, you will start to connect the dots as to what exercises, rep ranges, rest periods and weight jumps best suit specific objectives and you will learn the why's of the program structure.  the desired outcome will dictate the process.  State your goal and the program will come :)

and attend PlanStrong.  Your questions will all be answered.

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