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Old Forum PTTP - Russian Bear Question

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Level 5 Valued Member
I understand the "Russian Bear" program goes:

1 heavy set x 5 reps
90% of set 1 x 5 reps
80% of set 1 x 5 reps x as many sets as possible (resting 30-90 seconds)

At what point do you increase the work whether it be increased weight, reduced rest time, increased number of sets, etc?
I found these guidelines for the 'bear' someplace. I -think- that Brad Nelson came up with them, and I believe it was Dave Dellanave who was lauding the setup.

"Bear is 2x/week. At least 2 full days rest in between. 10-20 sets of 5 reps.

Start with 90% of your max DL. Here's your first training session.

385x2 sets of 3 reps

Then 340 (80% 1RM)

Do sets of 5 reps resting no more than 1.30 between sets for as many sets as you can do. As soon as you cannot get 5 reps for that set, you are done for the day. So if you end at 8 sets for the day, shoot for 10-12 next session. Ramp up over the course of 2 weeks.


1. stay with the same weight until you can complete 20 sets of 5 reps with it.

2. Then add another 10lb and start over.

3. The only other things that I would do during Bear are military press or barbell side press and pullups or dips for no more than 5x5."

I'd do it a bit differently because personally, sets of 5 with 80% or 3 with 90% before that would destroy me (I'm a bit better at 1RMs than repping, I think, with DL, at least generally). So you might have to tweak it a bit for your own needs. But that's a darn good format, I think, as good as any you'll find for 'the bear'.
^ The last paragraph is my comment, somehow it got screwed up and counted as part of the quote....
Those bear guidelines is going to be printed and put in my PTTP book, along side my scrawls on the inside of 5,3,2 ...
Just a thought - the %'s for the bear in PTP are based off your 5rm, not 1rm.   I think that makes a significant difference in the setup.


No problem guys.

Darrell, that's definitely true. I merely copied the above program as it was originally written, but perhaps adjusting down to 90% of your actual 1RM (~3-5RM) would work a bit better.
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