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Old Forum Pull ups v. Chin ups

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Level 1 Valued Member
Until recently I struggled with chin ups and could barely manage a pull up. Very discouraging. But I kept at it.

I now can do 10 strict chin ups (because of  the ROP program) and I still struggle to get 5 pull ups.

I've had multiple shoulder dislocations and my thoracic spine is just starting to loosen up.

what limits the ability to do pull ups? why are they so much harder for me?

I searched on line and found no decent explanation on the bio-mechanical differences between the movements.

Any suggestions?
Here's a good article:

The study it refers to appears to be this one:

The take home, according to EMG results the chin up appeared to recruit more bicep (no surprise there) and pectoralis (surprised me) muscle, while the pull up recruited more from the lower trapezius. I'd say it's pretty normal to have a slight disparity from one to the other, I can normally do a few more chins than pull ups. Though, if I focus on pull ups for a while the gap narrows to only a couple, instead of five or so.
It's normal to be better at chins.  There is a stretch & rebound at the bottom.  Pullups allow a dead hang.  Try doing a reverse-grip military press with a broomstick and you'll see that your hands naturally pronate when they are straightened out overhead.

I'm lucky enough to have healthy (but overused) shoulders.  For me the best part of the pullup is at the bottom, doing spine decompressions and shoulder packing/unpacking.  But I never see anybody else doing this so it must not be for everyone.
Charlton, address your health issue with a health professional.

Keep building strength with chin-ups (add weight).  Add parallel grip pullups.  Then mix regular pullups in.
I have been GTGing  hollow  chin ups/pull ups cos' this is the only thing I can do without making noise and wake up my 10weeks old son.  Two reps every now and then

It was hard in the beginning.
My Abs hurts.
My body swings forward sometimes (straight leg short ROM kipping chin ups? haha) unintentionally
Pull up taxed my CNS. I felt like I just did a set of 5RM Deadlift

But now, the groove is greased.   I do the chin ups mostly and shift to pull ups every now and then.  GTG rocks!

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