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Old Forum Pull ups

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I am trying to get advice on how to increase the amount of pullups I can do.  I am currently at 12-15 max.  I bought the Naked Warrior but it is unclear.  Is the best way to do 3-5 sets of low reps of straight leg pull ups or L pull ups? Thanks
Michael, check out the Fighter Pullup program
If you can not do a pull-up could you use the same method with a pull-up leverage (counter weight) or a lat pull machine?
Dan I have a 250lb friend who worked up to his first pullup by doing heavy lat pulls.

He did 3-5x 8-12 reps (he worked out 3-5 days a week)
For working up to pullups when I couldn't do them, I've had good luck with a combination of rows, bent arm hangs, and negatives.
As an add on to what Chris said above I have seen some suggest that you should be able to hang on the bar for at least 15 seconds to assure that you have the grip strength required.  Also the bent arm hangs and negatives.  Rows, inverted rows, TRX rows and barbell/dumbbell pull overs are good "assist" exercises.
michael welly: The Fighter Pullup Program is a good suggestion. Another way is to increase density.

Dan Morrison: I frequently train people to learn to do pullups and by far the fastest way I've found is to do the movement, meaning do them assisted. Use a good progression and it should only be a matter of weeks.
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