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Old Forum Pure strength

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Level 1 Valued Member
Guys any advise about my  strength program,

I am using  a 5/3/1  ( Instead of 5x5 ,I don't want put any mass at all)

for the main lift:

A)deadlift (5/3/1)


double kb swing  32kg

farmer 's walk or shrug

chin up

B) bench press (5/3/1)


weighted dip

clap push up

one arm push up

C) zercher squat/front squat


kb snatch

hang rise




Yes, Pavel I'm using 5/3/1 as a basic and then I'am adding kb  for assistance , because no one can argue the benefit of kb swing to increase deadlift for example!
Except that is not really 5/3/1. Listen to Pavel and assess what you are doing.

Do you own Wendler's book?

Alf, your program has a lot of conflicts: chinups after farmer's walks; clapping pushups after dips; OAPs after dips, etc.

Designing a program or tweaking an existing one takes years and even decades of experience.  Creativity without basics' mastery is always a bad idea, in any field.
I understand Pavel thank!

i don't want be cocky ...I just  need some advise to combine some strength program with a kb!

without any increase of mass at all. I also want replace  back squat with zercher a/o front squat.

I am no teacher here but just a student! with a passion and love for training!
Alf, the original - in my mind, anyway - "get stronger without gaining mass" program is Pavel's, "Power To The People!"  It was my introduction to Pavel's work and I think it must be 15 years old or more, but it is _still_ a great program, and _still_ one of the best reads around about how to gain strength without gaining mass.

Another good choice is Easy Strength, and after you read PTTP, you'll understand why.

With the streamlined Power to the People program (2x5) I was able to move my pulls to the mid 400's. It was only at this point that I pared things down to a 3-2-1 + "budges" program upon advice from Pavel and further improved to 580lbs. All at a BW of 167.  My Military Press moved to 165 and it was the FCT or Ab wheel for my core.


Trend, could you say a little more about and perhaps provide links to the 3-2-1 you followed and also "budges?"

Many thanks.

Certainly. I did 3-2-1 reps with 10-15 pound increases, e.g. 440x3, 450x2, 460x1. With a heavy 'budge' a couple of inches off the floor after the double.... 440x2, 450x2, 470-500xbudge, 460x1.  Budges are simply taking a supramximal weight and moving it a few inches off the ground. A far safer alternative to the Bob Peoples' negatives I'd considered! I hope I haven't digressed too much, I only hope to make the point that simplicity forced internalized effort and focus. I pushed and pulled while taking no liberties with the program and approached strength development as practicing a skill.


Very good - thank you for taking the time to explain.  Food for thought there.

Comrade Trend, that method sounds very interesting!


Comrade Alf, pick 5 exercises and follow Pavel's "Mind Over Muscle" program from Beyond Bodybuilding. Pretty sure you can get away with throwing in some swings/snatches!

Also, take it from somebody who has bulked: gaining mass is not easy, and your diet is usually the deciding factor. Practice "dinner plate push-aways" and you won't gain much, if any, mass.
Trend, do you pull sumo or conventional?  Is your sticking point off the floor or at lockout (or something else)?


Thank all of you guys!  "Power to the people" sound awesome!! But I'll add snatch,swing and tgu! :)
Trend, your "budges" are very smart.  They develop the starting strength (key for a tall conventional puller like yourself) while getting you used to a heavier weight in a manner that is quite safe.
Thank you so much Pavel. Your guidance was a golden boon when things started getting heavy! I 'm a conventional puller Steve and my sticking point at 520+ was just below the knees. Progressive movement in the rack fixed it. Alf, I also used the kettlebell for swings and snatches, I was just cautious with volume.


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