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Old Forum Pushup program

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the hansenator

Level 6 Valued Member

I'd like to bring my pushups up a bit, I've never been that good at them. I was looking at the Hit the Deck program and the NASA program in Beyond Bodybuilding but I'm not able to do pushups during the day while I'm at work.

Is there a good program that can be done in the evenings?

I got no name for it, but test your max say you get 30.
divide by 3 giving you 10.
3 times a week do 4 sets of 10 rest 1 min between sets.
next week add 2 reps and do 4x12.
repeat adding 1 or 2 each week
retest after when you reach 4x20 or add 10 to your sets
The 100 pushup app on iTunes is pretty good. It creates a plan based on your max reps then logs all of your results.  There are several apps, the one I used was the “official” 100 pushups app.
Kinda fuzzy goal imo. Bring them up from what to what?


But generally, do pushups. Perhaps the actual programing isnt as important as doing them. Quality over quantity...
Thanks for the replies.

I've tried the 100 pushups program and I found it too ambitious, I couldn't keep up with it. My wife also tried it a couple of times and had the same problem.

I should have been more specific, when I said I'm not that good at pushups I wasn't kidding. My shoulder issues have only recently allowed me to start doing pushups again thanks to working with an uncommonly smart PT I was fortunate enough to find. At the moment I max out at about 8 or 10 reps.

I'd like to bring my pushups up to about 20 reps or so. I think the practice will help reinforce good shoulder mechanics so I'm looking for a frequent, easy practice type of format. After that, I'm looking forward to exploring more difficult pushup variations.
Chris, a high number of pushups only makes sense if it is a test in the military, dojo, etc. Otherwise, the benefits are limited and the wear and tear on the shoulders is high. I would find another goal, e.g. the OAP.
Pavel, thanks.

I was thinking the extra practice might be good but, if there's no real benefit, I would be happy to move on.
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