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Old Forum QL straddle regressions?

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Level 3 Valued Member
Hi, Chief (and others)!

I have a tall and stiff guy who has limited hip mobility and T spine extension. When I try the QL straddle with him, his legs are out in front, and he can't bend much to the side. In fact, he can't even get his elbow in the floor. What are the regressions I could use, other than a box in front? Or should I try other drills and let this one go??
Hey ram,

I'm a bit stiff in the straddle position and I'm working with a problematic R iliolumbar ligament sprain as well which means any side bending is dicey. However, I like a contract/relax stretch of the QL seated in a chair and using my hand hooked under the side of my seat to resist the contraction. I also found this stretch video that I like because it's a more global stretch showing me how I had some tightness up and down both sides. By changing the position of my top hand, I can change where the stretch is felt the most.
Ram, raising the butt will help - have him sit on a box or cushion.  Note also the book has a couple of very good suggestions - have him pull on something, and however far he gets, have him spend some time there.

Ram, windmill is going to stretch hip and rotate t-spine, but the lumbar region should be stable, so this isn't going to target the same things  Ditto for the bent press.

Ram, in addition to implementing Steve's suggestion of sitting on a box give him a rope to hold on to with the arm that is up.
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