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Old Forum question for Dan John and Pavel-EasyStrength

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Level 5 Valued Member
Great Book with many insights.  In the book you reference a military operator who is in great condition-he runs ultramarathons, training about 30 miles a week, never to difficult. Also said he only uses a 24kg bell and does pullups.  What I found impressive was at 195 pounds he could do 14 pullups with 70 pounds of extra weight while still doing all the running work.   Do you have any more details about how this person trains?

Well, the beauty of his body of work is that he uses his mind before he moves his body.  Phil Maffetone's work on running (and I can't remember the guy's name who broke the world record for the 1,000 mile run) would help you on the running side of it, but I can only add that "being clever" about training seems to be a lost art.

Tim Ferris had a blog on it a while ago and it was discussed with some depth.

Thanks, I appreciate it.  BTW, Great article in April Mens health magazine with the garage gym.

I agree 100%, Training is truly a lost art.
That guy, "Victor," was playing around with John Douillard's book Mind, Body, and Sport. It's got great stuff on breathing that complements the advice on breath in S&S, and I've adopted his advice on the timing of eating and training with really happy effects. Terrific synergy with ES and S&S.
But, he was also influenced by....Stu Mittleman! That is the name I couldn't remember!!!! Great book...better than John's for what we are discussing. I which Douillard would have stuck to the original Aruvedic medicine in the later editions. But, what do I know, really...


But, what do I know, really…
The older I get, the more I find that I should have that tattooed inside my eyelids.

Dan, what else do you think belongs in everyman's Easy Strength (Including Easy Endurance) Library?
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