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Other/Mixed Recent Fitness-Related Purchases

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
@GaryT, good for you for doing a 40 kg goblet squat!

Based on your picture, a couple of quotes from S&S for you, referencing the print edition, if you don't mind the suggestions:

Page 20: Wedge your elbows against your knees - exactly against the inner quads.

Page 22: Do not allow the elbows to drop.

@GaryT, good for you for doing a 40 kg goblet squat!

Based on your picture, a couple of quotes from S&S for you, referencing the print edition, if you don't mind the suggestions:

Page 20: Wedge your elbows against your knees - exactly against the inner quads.

Page 22: Do not allow the elbows to drop.

Thanks, Steve. Will check the references and work on it. KBs are a relatively new thing for me so any suggestions are welcome.
@Mark Limbaga, among the kettlebells I own but didn't mention are a 56 and a 64 kg bell from a local outfit here. I don't do much with either. I first tried to get the 56 because I can 2h swing the 48 reasonably well, but they gave me the 64 by mistake, so I decided to keep it and then went back a month later and picked up the one I was supposed to get.

After I finish my current PL cycle, I will probably back off on the barbell deadlifts and do more 2h swings, and we'll see how I manage with the 56 kg. The 64 kg is for me, like for you, approximately bodyweight (I compete at 67.5 and 66 kg) so we're not sure who is swinging whom at times when I use that one. :)

@Mark Limbaga, among the kettlebells I own but didn't mention are a 56 and a 64 kg bell from a local outfit here. I don't do much with either. I first tried to get the 56 because I can 2h swing the 48 reasonably well, but they gave me the 64 by mistake, so I decided to keep it and then went back a month later and picked up the one I was supposed to get.

After I finish my current PL cycle, I will probably back off on the barbell deadlifts and do more 2h swings, and we'll see how I manage with the 56 kg. The 64 kg is for me, like for you, approximately bodyweight (I compete at 67.5 and 66 kg) so we're not sure who is swinging whom at times when I use that one. :)

A gym where a colleague used to teach had a 68kg I managed to swing it a few times..

Still bummed when they sold the place.. I managed to snag their 28s and 36s but never knew who grabbed the 48,56 and 68
Sand. In separate plastic rubble sacks.

Having a separate sack in the sack with sand is a good idea.

The reason I asked was as I bought a big sandbag and tried to fill it to an appropriate load which wasn't the full capacity. Turned out it was harder to handle that way than full.

In hindsight I should have filled it with wood pellets or such.
Having a separate sack in the sack with sand is a good idea.

The reason I asked was as I bought a big sandbag and tried to fill it to an appropriate load which wasn't the full capacity. Turned out it was harder to handle that way than full.

In hindsight I should have filled it with wood pellets or such.
I will just take the bags of sand as they come, in their original sacks, and then put that into a rubble sack and cover it in gaffer tape. I’ll end up with 3 indestructible sacks in the bag. Harder is better.
That method for the sandbag can make a brilliant “conditioning bag” by the way. Just a bag of sand as it comes and leave it in its bag, put it into a plastic rubble sack, duct tape it too utter death and you have a 25kg bag. Clean it, throw it, do burpee manmakers with it. A training tool for the price of a rubble sack, duct tape and a bag of sand. Not my original idea. Got it from Jonny Pain in his “100 conditioning workouts for the modern Viking”.
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