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Old Forum Resilient DVD

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Craig Fern

Level 5 Valued Member
Recently purchased the resilient DVD and I'm excited to get started with the exercises.

Unlike some of the other material I have from Pavel, I didn't see any programming suggestions.

Any advice regarding how often to do the exercises, sets, reps etc?


Craig, for me, they're warm-ups, cool-downs, in between sets of a normal lifting session, and/or on days I don't lift.

These are movement for your health.   I don't think of them in terms of sets and reps, they're more things you should be able to do.  I prefer to keep the reps low and generally only do a single set, but if a particular movement is helpful to you, there is no reason not to do more of it.

Some of them, I guess you could say I GTG with - if they help me with a stiff back or neck or shoulder, I do them throughout the day whenever I feel the need.

Thank you for the reminder about Resilient - I just put it into my computer and found a couple of moves I'd forgotten about, which I promptly got up and did - excellent!

Hope that helps.

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