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Old Forum Respect the bell!

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Level 3 Valued Member
My Folks asked me what I want for my 30th birthday . Naturally it was only gonna be one thing. A 32kg kettlebell.

Anway get a text from mother telling me the bell had arrived at her house. I give her a call and she tells how the Driver did his back in pulling the bell to the door. Dont know the full details. Get a packaged bell not in an overly big box a driver not expecting the vast weight, it doesnt take a genious to see what happened.

Anyway drove round the folks pad to pick up the bell. It put fear in the whole household my father even afraid to pick the evil weight thing up, lol. " Im not doin my back in."

But at times it easy to forget the dangers of lifting heavy weights or any weight for that matter. Though i was very happy with the present and feel really sorry for what happened to the Driver Im glad its reinforced to me the dangers and to respect the kettlebell. Hopefully it wills save me and a few others a back injury.
I can't imagine a more awkward package to move than a small cardboard box with a kettlebell inside.  I had a similar experience when the UPS man dropped off my 24kg.  I was in my living room, heard a lot of cursing outside my front door and the doorbell ringing, and by the time I made it to the door a very angry UPS man was peeling out from in front of my house.

Crazy story, poor driver. There's definitely a lesson to be learned though. No matter how strong you are, the russian kettlebell does not forgive not paying attention, and every lift demands full focus.
This was several years ago, but when my 24kg kettlebell arrived, I was surprised to find out that my wife had checked the mail and brought it home. I don't know how she did it. She only weighed about 110 pounds and didn't exercise.
There should be a warning sign.  OH&S issue!

Imagine if unload a Kettlebell delivery for your store! :)
My fedex guy probably hates me.... the last couple months I started out getting a 16kg.... then I got an 8kg, a 24kg just a few weeks ago and now at the end of the week I'm expecting my 32 to show up.....

I'm giving my driver more of a workout than I'm getting!  :)
The same delivery guy has brought most of my bells, up to the bulldog. He's an older guy who just smiles & has no trouble at all, even offering to carry it in... old man strength.
^^^ Same with my UPS guy, who I've given a small tip each year as I move up in bell sizes. Carried the 40kg up to my doorstep (on a dolly of course, I live in the woods and my driveway is like 1/4 mile long).

Of course, the box and packaging was rather destroyed, but the bell was intact...
any ups package over 70lb should have their yellow over 70lb sticker on it right next to the shipping label. I don't know how the driver would miss that. I remember ordering kbs in college and having to carry the box across campus. That was a workout, especially the 32kg.

But people look at you funny since you are obviously exerting yourself with a small box. ;)
Thought I'll chime in with my story too... The guy who delivered my 32 + 24 was a little shocked with the weight of the 32kg but my female neighbour was standing outside so he refused my offer to help him.

I bought a couple of 24kg last year from gumtree and decided to collect them by tube as it was close to where I work... I had to carry the two 24s from the guy's car down to the tube, which was tiring but manageable... however the walk from tube at the other end to the overground train was another story and I needed plenty of breaks (oh and the looks I got, an Asian guy in a suit carrying strange looking things - I can only imagine the alarm bells in people's heads)... The next day, I woke up with muscles aching in all sorts of places - qauds more so than anything else. I had no idea what farmers walk were back then but can attest to their usefulness :)
For the last 4 years i've been asked the same question 'what do you want for your birthday/Christmas?' and I give the same answer... a new KB, it's got the point where now they just ask what size:)  I had the Bulldog delivered earlier this year on a pallet in the middle of my drive. My next door neighbour asked why a small object like that needed a big pallet, he found out why when he went to pick it up!
I had similar issues with my kb packages. First 2 bell were delivered to the door. Next time the courier called me every time before to help him as the bells weight was increasing each time. Few days ago the kb seller asked me to choose the delivery way - 4 bells (2x40 + 2x48 kg) on the pallet or to pick them with my car. I had an opportunity to use my coleague who was driving from this direction so the seller loaded the bells on his car but I had to unload them on my own as my coleague refused to even touch the bells when he saw how heavy there were. I had to unload the 4 heavy bells on my own. The 2 40kgs were easy to lift for 100meters and staircase but the 2 48kgs were evil ;)
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