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Old Forum Results 2013, Goals 2014

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Level 1 Valued Member
I made pretty good progress during the last months and finished this years training yesterday with a 185kg Squat and a 210kg Deadlift  @ around 93kg bodyweight. Two days earlier I benched 135kg, which would make for a 530kg Total.

For 2014 I want to increase my Total to 600kg and lose some bodyfat.

Is a 70kg gain on the big three in one year realistic?

How should I eat for losing some fat while still getting stronger?


2013: Improved Warrior Dash and Conquer the Guantlet times by several minutes.


2014: Improve times again and stay with Simple & Sinister as the heart of my training for the              whole year.
Max's posting on 2013/2014 goals prompts me to make my first post on the forum, 'cause I'm pretty excited about mine.

2013 goal – learn to use kettlebells properly (like my 75+ y/o dad), stop being fat and weak and get back to being at least nearly as fit as I once was, reality of some age notwithstanding.

Results so far – about a year to the day since my first session with my SFG instructor, weight is down about 15 pounds, I’m much stronger, really enjoy my training and actually know what I’m doing with a kettlebell.  I’ve had to take in waist or replace pants once already and am probably going to have to do so again, a minor downside I'll readily accept. 

2014 goals – (1) board the plane home from San Diego in February as a newly minted SFG Level I, and then (2) get bodyweight back into my program (currently nearly all kb for cert prep) and get good enough that I’m at least tempted to aim at a bodyweight cert in 2015. 

Michael Perry (obviously not the SFG Team Leader, but the aspiring SFG I)

Thanks and best to all on their goals for the coming year.

This has been my best ever year, my training has been consistent and I've hit a wide variety of  goals

Kettlebell Juggling Rank 2
Bent 6 inch nail
30 second handstand
32kg press, 3 reps each hand
Tore a full deck of cards
48kg Chin Up

I also what to get a 2.5 x BW Deadlift (192.5kg) by the end of the year

I have also dropped 9 or 10lbs. This wasn't a goal of mine, but it happened when I cut dairy out of my diet, for ethical reasons, not health reasons. My body fat has definitely dropped (more definition), but I'm sure I will have lost some muscle as well, however my strength hasn't dropped and my training hasn't suffered, so I'm really happy with that.

As for next year

40kg MP
5 Muscle Ups
48kg Pull Up
Freestanding Hanstand Push Up
Front Lever
Dragon Flag
Drive a nail with my hand

I'm sure I'll think of some more as the year progresses
My goals this year were for the most part all met.

Strict pressed a 32 for 2 on the right and 1 on the left (Would like to have been laddering it by now but did something stupid in jiujitsu and it doesn't feel right with anything pressing.)
Kept weight below 175 all year round (before I started my journey with kettlebells I was 204)
Deadlift over 300 (305 the other week
40kg TGU 2x1 each side (the first one on both sides felt smooth so I rested for a minute and did another each side)
Never posted about it but I did play with some GS lifting and hit a decent score (at least I felt so) with double 20kg bells with the long cycle so I might give that a go again down the road.

Not the greatest of accomplishments but for me the biggest ones were anything I told myself I was going to set out to do and actually did. I followed through 4 programs this year from start to finish with no deviation or variety and they all had a focus that yielded awesome results.

Feeling strong going into 2014 which right now has the following goals

Beast Getup (each side)
Meet SFL standards on all lifts (even if I don't attend)
24kg Pistol and 5 One Arm Pushups each side.

Wishing everyone here a healthy, safe, and Strong holiday!
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