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Old Forum Return of the Kettlebell

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Level 6 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
I have been training with a single kettle bell for a while and I have been following the rite of passage  for about 2 months as well as Wendler's 531.  Having recently bought Return of the Kettlebell I have been following trying out a the grind and ballistic workouts with 24kg and I was challenged by them.  I have my bench at body weight [100kg] DL at double and squat about 1.75 bodyweight. I am happy with this at the moment and given time constraints I feel that my next target is to retain strength through Double Kettlebell work and lean out a little.

Is Return of the Kettebell the best way to go about this??


RotK is a hypertrophy program. A mass building "eat until you go mad and hate life and the sight or meat" hyperteophy program. You will get strong, very strong, but you will not lean out because you will always be hungry.
Conor, did you reach the ETK goals (1/2 bw press, 200 snatches w/ 24 kg in 10:00) before embarking on ROTK?

I  can press a 40 kg but I'm not able to hit the 200 snatches yet. There aren't any Kb clubs where I'm based so it's been a case of you-tube and Pavel's books that I have been working off. I'd imagine my snatch technique needs coaching. Anyhow I have been using the single kettle bell for  a long time in between 531 sessions as a conditioning tool. I can appreciate why the ROK would build mass, they are tough workouts. Are there any double KB protocols I could use for a while with the intention of leaning out. Diet is generally solid.  Focus more on ballistics??
Conor, Kettlebell Burn Extreme by Geoff Neupert is one option, it's a double KB program focused on fat loss. Here is the link to the sales page:

Conor, Kettlebell Burn Extreme is one option, it's a double kb program focused on fat loss.

If you feel that your snatch needs work you probably do not want to double snatch heavy bells or different sized bells as per the RotK-format. Just my opinion.
Conor, all of Geoff Neupert's things are worth owning and reading.  He has several titles that are dedicated to fat loss, including the one Faisal mentioned.  Those sound like the route to take for you, just remember that they're intended to be self-contained programs and not mixed with another.

Thanks for the advice, I signed on for the Kettle bell Burn Extreme so I will see how I fare with this.  Looks great.
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