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Old Forum Rite of Passage Program advice.

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As many have stated, you may just need to restart the R.O.P. with the 20kg again. This is what I have done successfully several times. Surprisingly, I've even had great results by repeating the Rite of Passage for 4-weeks using a bell one size lighter (dropping back a bell).

Other options included switching to different programs with different reps schemes such as Power to the People, Easy Strength, or the Fighter Pull-Up Program (just use presses in place of pull-ups).

However... Here's a solution that I enjoy: I modify the right of passage by splitting the ladders up between two bells.

Start the Rite of Passage over as written with the following modification for pressing ladders but
use your last bell  (20kg) for the first three rungs and the next heavier bell (24kg) for the last two rungs like so...

3-RUNG LADDER = 20kg x 3,4,5

4-RUNG LADDERS = 20kg x3,4,5 + 24kg x (2)

5-RUNG LADDERS =  20kg x 3,4,5 + 24kg x (2,3)
The numbers in parentheses can be lowered by  1-rep if necessary.
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