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Old Forum ROP and fat loss

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Level 4 Valued Member
Will ROP elicit any type of fat loss? I know the goals are to press half bodyweight and snatches 200 times in 10min. I am trying to lose a good bit of weight and bodyfat. I love the program so far. Besides eating habits what can I do to lose weight and fat while still progressing in the press? Actually I wouldn't mind getting a tad bit weaker and then regaining my strength at a lighter weight. I would like to be a lightweight beast tamer eventually. I currently weigh 220 at 19% I want to be 180 at 10%


Follow the program to the letter - include the pull ups and work up to the 40kg for the 5x1,2,3,4,5 r/l on the press and I'm quite sure you will be satisfied with your body comp.

Keep in mind, the ROP is not a fat-loss program specifically. It is a make you a better, stronger man type program.



Yeah I definitely plan on following it to a T. On my variety days I plan on doing some sprints and movements like bear crawls and calisthenics. I also will begin walking every morning.

I would not do the sprints - too taxing to be added in. But would encourage some light get ups, goblet squats as the plan indicates. The walking and or OS -type crawling is a good choice. Remember the goal or the reason for the program - Increase the Press and Snatch. The side effect will be a correction to body comp.



I would say walking, but don't expect much extra weight loss from it. The RoP is a lot of work and if you start adding other stuff to it, you'll probably hinder your progress on the program.

Diet is always going to be the most effective means of weight loss and requires little investment. You can diet if you are tired, if you are injured, if your boss makes you work overtime, if you have to take your kid to the emergency room...
Jeff - I did the rop a few years ago as a newbie and used a 16. I fully intend to return to it with a 24 once I get to the simple goal. Will it help with fat loss? Absolutely. I did it to generally get stronger and went on a fat loss regime to improve my running. Mostly paleo with carb reload at the weekend. As others have said, it is a strength programme rather than fat loss per se but you will see body comp change as a result of strength training. Get your diet sorted and do the programme you will get results.
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