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Old Forum ROP presses

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Level 2 Valued Member
I think the volum of the presses for ROP is getting to me. I am using the 24 kg but progress is coming slowly and I am always sore.  Any suggestions? Maybe ladders like Beyond Bodybuilding with get ups on variety day?  Thamks for any advise.

I like to add some lower body stuff on that day. Things like deadlifts, front squats, goblet squats etc. I also throw in some figure eights to a hold (Art of Strength variation) with a moderate weight bell. I do 30 second splits with the figure eights and slingshots for 10 minutes. This just seems to kick my butt without over stressing what I need rested the next day for pressing and pulls.

That was my problem with ROP. It was just too much when I combined it martial arts two days per week. I'm back on S&S four days per week and I feel much better.
Justin,  the ROP is a very demanding program.  For that reason, when asked, I generally advise people to err on the light side when choosing a weight.

It would be helpful to have more information, e.g., what else are you doing?  The program works great if your other days have nothing strenuous in them at all.  Pavel explains what he means by "variety" but I find many people do too much or go too heavy (or both) and then the program itself suffers.

It would also  help to know where you are in the program, e.g., if you're close to the end, I might advise adding in a few extra rest days to allow yourself to finish, but if you're not, then it might be time to reevaluate.  When a proven program like the ROP doesn't work for you, it's good to ask why.   I've done the ROP several times myself, and I think the ROP might be the closest to a "sure thing" there is. Let's see if we can figure out _why_ you're having a problem! and then figure _what_ to do about it.


I started with 16 kg in January and am now working on 4 rung ladders with 24 kg, 3x 4 rungs with 2 3 rungs. Other than that i alternate 2 weeks of heavy swings and and 1/2 get ups with 32 kg and goblet squats on my 2nd variety day.  I don't do anything on the variety between light and med days.

Justin, try dropping the swings and the getup.  Do restorative things instead, and keep them easy.

What results did you achieve when you tested at the end of your 16 kg ROP?

Another suggestion is perhaps you should use the 20 first and totally own each rung and ladder
I had been doing SS with 24 kg and that was easy so rop with the 16 and 20 was pretty easy.
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