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Old Forum S&S and jumping rope?

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Level 1 Valued Member
hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone has had any success combining S&S with a jump rope routine? And if so, how often/how long did you find worked best? I have been doing S&S for 10 months now, and am currently using the 32kg exclusively and working on compressing the rest periods. I can do swings with the 32 in 6'30" and the get ups in 11'. I'm looking to improve my conditioning with the jump rope without interferring with my S&S training. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
I would do Jump Ropes, or whatever kind of conditioning, before doing strength work.


I'm guessing you want to be able to do the swings in 5 minutes and the get ups in 10?
i often use the jump rope as active rest between sets of swings - i find it works really well - 10 1H swings - 30sec jump rope - repeat for 10 sets.
I would be interested to know as well. Marchese, that is pretty beastly. I wouldn't think jumping rope would be considered active rest. Especially between kettlebell swings. :)
You can jump quite slowly or crazy fast and do double even triple jumps so maybe maybe if someone were in really excellent aerobic condition... But to me jumping rope is not active rest but just plain active!
jumping rope is like many other exercises where you can regulate the intensity - i use an easy skip - I'm not doing double unders or trying to spin the rope as fast as possible during this time - not doing any trick, high knee or running type of steps - it's just a simple skip which you get use to pretty quickly - it's certainly not beastly and it's as active as a slow jog up and down a football field - which i believe was the recommended active rest between sets in ETK - try it - you might be surprised.
i just re-read the OP and realize that the original question had not been addressed.  i use a jump rope as active rest between sets of swings during my practice when i am not concerned about time and i also use it for a second exercise session outside of my S&S practice.  the OP asked about adding jumping rope to S&S for added conditioning.  i have used the jump rope as a low impact conditioning tool for years and find it to be much less demanding than running, plus it has the added benefit of keeping your feet active which i believe is beneficial if you are training for a field sport or a ring sport.  My jump rope for conditioning sessions look like this:

repeat the following sequence 3x with 2 mins rest at the end of each complex

200 skips

50 yard sprint

rest 60secs

200 skips

shuttle run (10 yards -up and back 3x)

rest 60 secs

200 skips

3 broad jumps

i will also substitute, battling ropes, chin-ups, slow burpees, mountain climbers, crawls, bodyweight squats, etc in between the 200 skips in the complex above

on other days - i may just skip straight for 20 mins - but that takes some getting use to - if you are not a regular with the jump rope your calves and feet will require weeks or months before they are acclimated.

i do these 3x per week, sometimes on the same day as S&S, sometimes not, if it's same day i will jump rope after my S&S practice is completed or later in the day after a morning session of S&S.  i have not found it to interfere with my S&S progress and i do feel it is a great tool for conditioning.



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