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Old Forum S&S book: stretching

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Level 1 Valued Member

I've just bought and read Pavel's new book. It's brilliant and I love it. I would like to get some additional information about the following quote: "Don’t put your spine into flexion during or after training. Forward-bending stretches and slouching after training, harmless as these seem, could injure your back.
Unless counter-indicated, back-bending stretches are recommended following training."

Does anyone know why forward bending is so problematic but backward bending is ok? And why does he suggest not do flex the spine after training and then later in the book mentions that relaxed stretch using 90/90 strech and QL-straddle is ok?

I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question about spinal flexion, but I do believe that those stretches are supposed to be done with a neutral spine.
Hard Styler, the tissues are warm and pliable and discs are easily herniated.  Look up McKenzie's work for details.
Thank you for your answers. I thought the KB swings and some parts of the get-ups are supposed to be done with a neutral spine. But the hip bridge, 90/90 stretch and QL straddle do involve some flexion of the spine. That seems logical to me so far. The only thing I don't get is why after training back bending is ok but forward bending is a problem.

I will try to get some of the McKenzie material Pavel mentioned.
Just wanted to add that after some reading in McKenzies work I think the answer to my question is the natural lordosis of the spine: Forward bending puts more pressure on the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine than backward bending. So it should be done very carefully and not right after heavy training when the spine is exhausted.
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