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Old Forum S & S - How long do you spend on mobility drills?

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Level 1 Valued Member
I am that out of condition it takes me about 35 minutes, longer than the 15min/15min I spend on TGUs and swings. :-/

Or, am I trying too hard? My prying giblet squats, I spend 5-10 secs at the bottom prying. For the SF Hip Bridges, I squees me knees as hard as I can which seems to increase the resistance from the hamstrings, making them hard.

Is it a case of 'too much' or just 'That's what it takes, tough, get on with it'?
The three rounds of mobility work have been taking me under 10 minutes. That gets me warmed up, and puts my heart rate at a good place for the swings.

I've mostly been using an 8kg bell for the mobility work, based on what we did in the SFG one-day course I attended. At times I add in a 16kg bell for the squats. I think that's a more appropriate weight for that movement, but it's nice to be able to just grab one bell and get it all done.

After that, under 10 minutes for the swings, and a bit over 10 for the get ups, and total workout time is right around 30 minutes.
A lot more than used to and feel better for it.


I do the 3 rounds of halos, bridges and gob squats, 5 reps per round. As warm up to S and S session. I do really focus on good form, spend time at the bottom of the Gob squat, few curls, move to pry on most the reps.

Full body relaxed stretch after S and S session.

Isometric stretching for groins, ham, calves and hip flexors. After 2 S and S sessions. I do 3 S and S sessions a week.

Relaxed stretching most days, usually very light. can do when watching telly or a film. 15 to 30 mins here.
I usually do joint mobility head to toe, jump rope 100 2 ft, 50R/50L, 50 high knees, 100 2 ft, right into 3x5 of SS warmup right into swings and getups. I am usually done in 30-35 min tops. I do this every single time as well as 5 minutes of stretching after training every single time, especially hams, gluteus, psoas, hips. But then this happens 5-6 days a week. Mon-Thurs is strength with circuit of Presses, pull-ups, DL and Bench, Row, Squat in a 5-3-2 or 3x3, 2x5 format with Tues/Frid/Sat being SS. Sat being the if day. Depends on how I feel. The strength work usually takes me an hour for it takes longer to warm up for the heavier lifts.
I admit I do not follow the S&S prescribed warm up but do a flow of Original Strength Resets + Halos and Armbars.

No more than 10 minutes. Practice sessions take around 16-20 for S&S depending on intensity.
I perform a routine from Pavels 'Supers Joints'  prior to the recommended S&S warm up. I have done this prior to PM, ROP and KB Strong over the years, that with the S&S warm up only takes roughly 10mins. I also peform arm bars after S&S, I've played around with doing these before and after strength work and found for me they feel better after.
It's funny you posted this, because I was going to start the same thread here this morning...

My first week of S&S, the warm-up took me about 25 minutes using the 16kg. Last night's warm-up session I was done in 9 minutes using the same bell. I think it just took me some practice of getting used to the movements. I finished the whole thing in 32 minutes last night.

Just go as slow as you need but not any slower, and you'll eventually reduce your time.
As a side note, it seems to me that the warm up yields some surprising strength building effects, too.
I also admit I don't follow the warm-up program as written. I usually do about 20 arm circles in each direction and maybe some bodyweight squats. Since getting S&S I have started doing 1-2 sets of 5 goblet squats. I might do one set of halos.

My whole warmup usually takes less than five minutes.

I also am doing original strength work with S&S.  However, I do a reset before doing the warm up from S&S.
Some interesting thoughts, guys, thanks.

I use the 16kg for all the mobility drills. There is no real way of using anything lighter as I need this for balance. Incidentally, I have noticed a lot more flexibility in this movement. I was not able to go down to butt off floor at a height of about a foot, now I can go all the way down.

I plan to:

1. Pry for only a few seconds at the bottom of each goblet squat

2. Don't squeeze maximally during hip bridges (oddly, I have found these the most effort?!)

3. I have a 5kg barbell plate somewhere; I'll use this for the halos

I want to pay attention to these drills as the emphasis on them means they are equally important to the program.

Thanks again, all, for your thoughts.
Pavel says to keep the mobility warm up short, and I think that's good advice. Here's a way to think about it; in this program, the volume for the swings and getups basically stays constant, and you gradually reduce the time it takes you to do it.  Treat the mobility work the same way, take the time you need to achieve full mobility, and work on getting that in less and less time. The more you do it, the less time you'll need; Tom Kurz has written quite a bit about this. This is part of the beauty of programs like S&S, PttP, EES, etc; doing the same thing every day, training 5 days a week, you don't need much in the way of warmup, because of the frequency and the accumulated volume of reps, and treating it as skill practice.
This is part of the beauty of programs like S&S, PttP, EES, etc; doing the same thing every day, training 5 days a week, you don’t need much in the way of warmup, because of the frequency and the accumulated volume of reps, and treating it as skill practice.
My experience agrees with this statement.  It has been the biggest WTH effect of my kettlebell practice.  I have been practicing kettlebells and doing the warm-up outlined in ETK for 6 months, and now the S&S warm-up.  I've gotten to the point where I can kick head high with no warm-up.   I may drop into a couple of Cossack stretches before I need to demonstrate a jumping, spinning technique just to test my looseness.  Feeling more "anti-fragile" at 40 than I was at 25.  Thank you Pavel and all the great minds at SF.
As much as I am tempted to reduce the mobility drills to one round (my mobility is currently okay, despite a lay-off in training of about 18 months, leading to me being this out of shape!) I don't think I'll do it.

I see the prescribed mobility drills as much of a part of the S & S protocol as the swings and get-ups. Besides, once I start meddling, it'll be all too easy to skip them entirely, on occasion and they are there for a reason.
Mindful: I agree with you're assessment. Stick to the plan as written and you will find it will go faster and give great benefits over time.
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