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S&S warm up variation

John Rhodes

Level 4 Valued Member
I really enjoy this warm up variation of the old S&S goblet squats, shoe bridge and halos. The three point bridge is my favorite whole body mobility exercise.

5 Goblet Squats with swing weight with a good pause in the bottom
3 point bridge (GMB style). For 10 seconds each side
30 second hang from rings/bar

2-3 rounds

Then S&S or Q&D. Repeat until strong.
I think this is a very good version. One note on GMB style 3 point bridges versus S&S prescribed shoe bridge: I believe they both serve their own different purposes with high success. I use both versions however;

As a person who lack mobility, I would not replace S&S shoe bridge with GMB three point in S&S program because a novice who lacks mobility would find it difficult to really work on opening the hip flexors and activating the glutes w GMB version in the beginning. This comment is not to criticize GMB version, I think it serves very well in their programs and I would not recommend replacing it w S&S version either for their programs.

I would say similar things for Halos versus hanging as well for beginners. Halos prepare your shoulders better than hanging for TGUs I believe.
I think this is a very good version. One note on GMB style 3 point bridges versus S&S prescribed shoe bridge: I believe they both serve their own different purposes with high success. I use both versions however;

As a person who lack mobility, I would not replace S&S shoe bridge with GMB three point in S&S program because a novice who lacks mobility would find it difficult to really work on opening the hip flexors and activating the glutes w GMB version in the beginning. This comment is not to criticize GMB version, I think it serves very well in their programs and I would not recommend replacing it w S&S version either for their programs.

I would say similar things for Halos versus hanging as well for beginners. Halos prepare your shoulders better than hanging for TGUs I believe.
Oh yeah, player this isn’t for house wives or for “gentlemen”.
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