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Old Forum Same Arm Training Bad?

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I am 11 weeks post-op on a L shoulder labrum repair, bicep tenodesis, and humeral head debridement. Would performing KB drills (swings, snatches, windmills, presses, etc) with only my right arm be a good or bad idea? My concern is causing a muscular or structural imbalance between left and right side. Thoughts?
Hello Rob Izsa,

Twice, almost exactly a year apart, I had issues with one of my shoulders so my normal routine(s) were out of the question. The answer was both times to do one arm pushups with the other arm.

To paraphrase Ivan Abadjiev: "If all you can do is lift a finger, then lift a finger".

But first and foremost check with your doc.

Good luck.
Rob, there is a cross education effect (the other arm will gain a little strength too), but you want to tread carefully as you do not want to load your spine asymmetrically.  The drills you mention would.

I would do some bilateral lower body exercise (belt squat?) plus Captains of Crush grippers and heavy ab work that does not involve the shoulder (e.g. hard style sit-up or hollow rocks).
I am currently recovering from a shoulder injury( not as severe as described above and no history of surgery ) and have been following the exact program as described above based on a recommendation by Steve Friedes in an earlier thread.

what would be the best way to program the belt squats if lifting 3x a week

and would adding barbell hip thrusts be a good idea or not.


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