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Old Forum Sciatic Pain

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Level 1 Valued Member
Looking for guidance from this great community...

Early this week I started to feel a little tug at the low back/upper right leg during my swings.  The tug would ease and feel better as I continued my S&S workout.  However, this morning the tug didn't ease, it continued to tighten.  I finished my 100 swings after stretching in between the sets of 10.  However, when it came time for the TGUs, I couldn't even get one, with a light weight....and I've been walking like a 100-year old man since then.

Now the questions -- what do you think the cause was?  I've been using the same 24kg weight since last fall, so I don't think I've gone too heavy too fast.  I went to the chiropractor this morning and received a little relief, but still in pain and very limited mobility.  Any suggestions on how to loosen up?  I'm getting cranky since I've been making very good progress (finally) on the TGU and my 2x/week jogs, now this....I don't want to slow down the progress if I can help it....

Thanks in advance for your help!
Weldon, it's not clear from your post if your chiropractor gave you a clear diagnosis and specific guidance.  In situations like yours, it's very important to get a medical opinion and guidance from a medical professional.   If - and that's a big _if_ - your doctor says it's OK to resume lifting, I would focus on healing first and only do what helps.  If you're not sure, visit this doctor again or try another.

When and if you're ready to return to your previous exercise regimen, please work with an SFG to see what, if any, form breaks may have contributed to your injury - you don't want it to happen again.  And if you can't work with an SFG, then post a video here so that we can see what and how you've been performing the S&S movements.

Thanks Steve -- doc says it's okay to continue my workout routine (in fact, encouraged it).  He made some adjustments, stretched my hamstrings, and sent me away with the Rx to alternate hot and cold tonight (30 minutes each) --
Weldon, I wouldn't give you the OK to resume your workout routine, based on what you've said.  The first order of business is to get better - if you're unable to post a video here because it hurts to perform the movements, then I wouldn't perform them as you'd been.  You might consider using a much lighter weight just to keep you moving, but better would be to find out what the problem is and address it directly.  It's possible it's simply overtraining and you need a break, but it's equally possible you've got a form issue that, if not addressed, will mean your injury will reoccur.

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