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Other/Mixed Seated Good Morning: Unlock Your Hip Mobility

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)


Level 8 Valued Member
While I do practice these for sport specific reasons (OL, for hip mobility and back arch practice on 1st-2nd pull, rowing for hip flexion with brace back in the catch), they're also a killer exercise to unlock your hips and strengthen your spinal erectors, which helps with all sorts of hinges.

I always feel great after I do them, especially when I superset them with reverse hypers.

They help my squats, too, both loaded and just resting in bodyweight squat position.

Lately I've been using my rackable EZ curl bar, because it's a little shorter than my regular barbell and the curve in the back makes it easy to put the bend at the base of my neck without having to worry about making a 'trap shelf'.

And shout out to @Boris Bachmann who I know hasn't been a huge fan in the past.

Knees Over Toes dude likes them, as do some bodyweight guys and physios.

While I do practice these for sport specific reasons (OL, for hip mobility and back arch practice on 1st-2nd pull, rowing for hip flexion with brace back in the catch), they're also a killer exercise to unlock your hips and strengthen your spinal erectors, which helps with all sorts of hinges.

I always feel great after I do them, especially when I superset them with reverse hypers.

They help my squats, too, both loaded and just resting in bodyweight squat position.

Lately I've been using my rackable EZ curl bar, because it's a little shorter than my regular barbell and the curve in the back makes it easy to put the bend at the base of my neck without having to worry about making a 'trap shelf'.

And shout out to @Boris Bachmann who I know hasn't been a huge fan in the past.

Knees Over Toes dude likes them, as do some bodyweight guys and physios.

Is there any particular reason to choose this instead the standing version?
Yeah, not a fan. Good memory!

Knees over toes guy is jacked now. Interesting.

I think there's absolutely a rehab/mobility component to the movement that would be good for me to include, but I'm just not patient enough to make it a good one for me - I'll load it too much too soon and hurt myself. I do a kind of GM from a straddle stretch position and that's also pretty good - hits similar things and since it's bodyweight I'm less likely to overdo it. Probably should be more consistent about it (like a lot of 'good juju exercises').
Coach had me doing some of these in the weightlifting program a little while back. We did both seated version and floor/pancake version with legs out straight and open about 90 degrees or a little more. Both versions are more challenging than they look!

I like the progressions in the first ATG video.
While I do practice these for sport specific reasons (OL, for hip mobility and back arch practice on 1st-2nd pull, rowing for hip flexion with brace back in the catch), they're also a killer exercise to unlock your hips and strengthen your spinal erectors, which helps with all sorts of hinges.

I always feel great after I do them, especially when I superset them with reverse hypers.

They help my squats, too, both loaded and just resting in bodyweight squat position.

Lately I've been using my rackable EZ curl bar, because it's a little shorter than my regular barbell and the curve in the back makes it easy to put the bend at the base of my neck without having to worry about making a 'trap shelf'.

And shout out to @Boris Bachmann who I know hasn't been a huge fan in the past.

Knees Over Toes dude likes them, as do some bodyweight guys and physios.

Definitely agree.
Chuck did this with 495 lbs wtf :eek:

Never seen it before.
Tried it. Liked it. So thanks for sharing.
Just doing it for a few sets has shown me how much the spinal erectors can actually be a driver of hip extension….It made me realise that apart from stabilising, mine have just been going along for the ride while my glutes and hamstrings did all the work in any kind of hinge exercise.

And unlocking the hips…..yes, that too.
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