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Old Forum Seeking general advice / minimum / imbalances

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hi guys,

I've been doing the minimum program for a month or two now (i've not got simple and sinister, rather i've been following minimum from enter the kettlebell), starting with a 16kg kettle bell (as a prior novice to gymming... aside from p90x / had never touched a kettlebell before). All was going swimmingly. I reached 100 1-handed swings, and 10 get-ups. Then after a few weeks of drilling in this accomplishment, I decided to go for a 24kg bell. Tennis is my sport, and in the last week of my 16kg kettlebell I was in great form. I felt really strong.

That was week ago, and since that point i have taken up a 24kg bell and i've had a sore lower back and possibly have a small strain / niggle on my left hamstring. Perhaps this is just a part of adapting to the new weight?

For the last few days i've tried to rest and haven't touched the bell, with just doing a few bretzel stretches and squatting holding a bar overhead (which, by the way, i'm pretty tight and crappy at!).

I think possibly I have an imbalance in my legs/hips... I'm guessing the recommendations for correcting this are... Pistols? 1 leg dead lift? Some "do this" advice would be good... :)

I live in Australia and to my knowledge theres no FMS screening tests nearby.
I guess the nature of tennis is asymmetrical, as well.


Where in Australia?

Did you check the FMS website for "find a professional"?
Western Australia. Ah no, I just google searched. It does look like theres on in Sydney, but that's on the other side of Australia.. 4-5 hour flight away
This sounds like it's technique issue, which could be fixed with...better technique. Is there an SFG in Western Australia? If not, post a video of your getups with the 16, and with the 24, and I bet you would get a lot of useful feedback.
Sorry I didn't do the search properly ha, theres heaps where I live. Are Tim Almond / TC Lee particularly good?
Tim was my teammate at my RKC in 2012 and he is an awesome guy.

I haven't met TC in person but watching his vids, I see a ton of strong students. Can't go wrong with them
Dan John  has a very good DVD on kettlebell form.   He explains a common form fault that can cause  sore lower backs.  Dan explains it a lot better than I can.  A kettlebell swing is not a squat.  It is closer to a deadlift.  Check it out.

I just found Strongfirst.  I've been getting books and videos from Dan John, Pavel, Dave Whitley, and Mark Reifkind for a long time.   It's cool to see them all working together at Strongfirst.
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