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Old Forum SFG II Recerts?

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Level 1 Valued Member
Wondering if there are plans for SFG II recert events?

Will be going through the recert for level one with Phil Scarito in Sept.  (Simply for my own benefit!)  Phil was my team leader back in '11 and am looking forward to some tuning up of my skills and keeping up with new SFG developments.
Jonathan, hi! I just returned from visiting our mutual friend in the Palisades.

To your question: We have not as of yet determined to develop a Level II recert program.

Take care,

SFGI cert, on its own, brought in several clients (via the StrongFirst website)...the teaching progressions and professional affiliations have been invaluable.  But by far - the personal development of preparing for, and attending, the Level I was life altering.  I am 52 years old and have been involved in strength training for nearly 4 decades.  I have attended many other valuable workshops and read dozens, if not hundreds of books, magazines, research articles, etc.  But this is at the top of the list.

Nikki...are you referring to Steve?  A terrific guy!!!  Isn't he a musician?  I play piano (since 5 years old).  Maybe we should have an SFG band along with the DL team!  LOL
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