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Old Forum Simple and Sinister progressions

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Level 4 Valued Member
In reading over S&S. Had a quick many sets of 10 should one work up to before progressing in weight ( regarding swings, seems as if TGU reps remain the same throughout). I see the progression tables but was curious at what point one would add weight vs adding sets. Thanks
Nate check out, "The Goals and How to Reach Them," and "Simple and Sinister Summarized," the last two chapters.
Nate, I think you may have missed that part of the book... There's many nuances in the book; I recommend reading it a few times for maximum retention.

Once you're able to complete all 10 sets with a given weight, then shoot for time. Make it to 10 sets in 5 minutes or less with excellent form; upping the weight is now permitted.
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