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Old Forum Simple and Sinister seems great.. for other reasons.

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Erik Duarte

Level 1 Valued Member
I have suffered from Body dysmorphic disorder and have been struggling financially and emotionally while raising a son as a single parent. Depression came back very strong. I like training but it has been hard to get to the gym due to lack of interest and time. I have been on simple and sinister for the last  two weeks. The minimilast approach is what's best for me, especially at this moment in my life.  I have just been using a 45 lbs and a 53 lbs kettlebell. I feel my physical strength and athleticism is coming back pretty quick. My shoulders feel better and my body does not seem as stiff. Just getting out and getting training in has helped me release some of the anxiety and depression. Simple and Sinister is a winner.
Keep it up Erik.  Hard physical training has been my sanctuary in times very good and very bad. And  S&S is such a deep, focused program and agree, a huge winner.
It's a program where I don't have to think but just do. Very simple. With My mental illness it's understandable why it is hard to stay on a program if familiar with the illness. Simple and Sinister has everything written down for me. It's hard to explain why but that is a huge relief for someone like me and in my position and state of mind.

I just wanted to chime in here to say, "you are not alone". Like you, I struggle with mental illness and, also like you, I have relied on the methods of StrongFirst (and the old RKC) to manage my mental health, as well as my physical health. I have been using Pavel's work for this function since 2004 and have always regretted deviating from this approach to chase newer, shinier approaches. As it happens, I am also a psychology researcher, and there are some very, very good theoretical models that help me to make sense of this phenomena. Suffice it to say, it is equally important that people in our position are Strong First psychologically, as well as physically, and the road to Strong is the same in both domains. Simplicity in life and programming, combined with just the right intensity and volume of stress at the right frequency is key to dominating my own everyday war with major depressive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. And, yes - that is both a literal and metaphorical truth, in my experience. Just so you know: you may struggle with mental illness, but you are not crazy. :)

Also, speaking as a father, though I do not know you, I am immensely proud of you for fighting that war and still showing up as a father - and a single father, no less. I have boundless respect and admiration for your effort to do so. Too many of us - both depressives of either gender and modern men - give up on our responsibilities to our children, or merely phone them in. I know the majority do not, but my own father did this and I have watched many others follow suit, so I resolved long ago not to do so with my own children and to express to other fathers, when given the chance, how much respect I have for them. I know that, given the nature of the disorder, it may be hard to see how much good we are doing, but I hope you can glimpse it through the Darkness.

As Pavel has said many times, power to you!

- Owen

This is a powerful thing you've shared, Erik and Owen.  Thank you.  There's no doubt the power of the program keeps a lot of the rest of us out of the darkness, as well.
After reading these posts I am so happy to be part of a community of adult men and women who are not only strong enough to share such personal insights and information but are also strong enough to receive it in such a supporting manner.
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