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Old Forum Simple & Sinister + Cals, doable?

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David Katkic

Level 5 Valued Member
Simple question.. Your opinion on doing every day S&S combined with 3x3 (or somet other minimalist approach like that) power calisthenics: OAP, Pistol, Pullup.

Just to let you know, I'm capable of doing multiple sets of 5s of OAPU, Pistols, and Pullups; 10x10 swings with 32 kg, and can do 24 kg TGU with good form ATM. Theese was only tested recently and is not by any means what I'm doing on a ongoing basis.

I want to add cals due to tension feeling that I get from them, and the look i get by doing them. I like the idea of doing cals in minimum like fashion and adding tension, power to them.

How would you combine those two ideas to make it work?
How long have you been doing S&S? You want to make sure you are just doing that for a while. Then maybe add other exercises.
Only tested myself recently. Been awhile since I've been playing with KBs. Those are only test figures. You think that would interfere too much with each other. My idea is that I could continue with cals since they are not so system taxing as other techniques. And i don't want to stop doing what i consider nice progress. BUT, I would like to go back to KBs and I thought that S&S would be a great way to accomplish that.
David, pullups and pistols are fine; OAPs is likely to be in conflict.  You are already loading the lateral chain heavily with both S&S exercises.  Something like weighted dips would be better.
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