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Old Forum Sinister strategy

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Level 6 Valued Member
Following up from previous posts; I've been doing S&S since christmas and am working towards the sinister goals.  However, progress in this is not a straight forward matter, and I am going to start employing some different approaches towards skinning this cat.

I'll offer up my plan for critique from others in the same boat or who have hit this target already, and then post back in a month or so to report on progress.

Firstly, the issues as I am experiencing them;

-over-use/over-training; plugging away with the 48 or 40 each day, (6 x per week) is a tough ask.  I have a physical job and a family and this is just starting to take its toll.

-stability in the get up;  One false move in this and it's a potentially serious injury, so some extra work here is merited.  My next lightest KB is the 40, which now feels like child's play, but I still feel wobbly with the 48.

-grip strength; slowly improving, but still the main limiter for swings.


I now have access to BB's, so my plan is to work some assistance moves 1-2 x per week as follows:

Session A:

OH squat - 2-3 work sets of 5 - purpose: to strengthen and stabilise shoulders and mid-section specific to TGU

CG Incline bench - as above, purpose: strengthen triceps to enable me to press 48 from floor and maintain stable arm during get up

Weighted chins - as above, purpose: decompress spine, strengthen grip, add in an upper pull


Session B:

Front Squat - as above, purpose: strengthen midsection and legs.  Hopefully this will make both movements in S&S seem easier

OH Press - as above, purpose: strengthen shoulders, work on OH stability

Farmers walks - 3-5 trips, purpose: grip strength


The aim for each movement is to warm up to a reasonable work set for the day, and then do 2-3 sets of 5, avoiding failure and leaving the session still fresh.


Thoughts/criticisms/suggestions?  Once finalised, I'll kick on and report back in a month.  TIA

Forgot to add; these session will be in place of my S&S workouts on these days, not an addition!

Secondly, S&S will rotate between heavy (40-48kg) and light (24-32kg), with the latter sessions aimed at nailing form in the TGU's.
Michael, or you could simply reduce the frequency to four time a week for now and use different bells. From day to day: 40, 48, off, 32, 48. Pause lighter get-ups with a 40 at different stages to own the movement. 

Front squats are fine; reduce the GSQ volume to 1 set.  OSQ and farmer's carries are in conflict.
thank you for your input - it's greatly appreciated!

Just to clarify, with the format above are you suggesting to just forego the barbell work?

For logistical reasons any barbell work would have to be a separate session as it entails a trip to the gym, so with my initial plan the barbell assistance was going to be an extra session at the weekend....  which now I think about it represents serious overkill on top of 5 S&S workouts!
I'm not quite as far as you, Michael, but I'm working in the 40 now. I think strategy and mindset are essential to owning the beast, and my case, the bulldog. I much more often, these days, take lighter days with the 32 or 24 and then I usually set a PR the next time I practice.
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