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Old Forum Smolov from Beyond Bodybuilding

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Level 1 Valued Member
Going to start the "kinder and gentler" version of Smolov from Beyond Bodybuilding. Just hit a pr in High bar Olympic style squat of 350 no wraps or belt and wearing Chuck's. I am assuming Smolov is to use a low bar squat?   In the book Pavel teaches the low bar version in  a how to article.  What set and rep schemes do I use for other lifts?  Since I am doing Smolov can I still deadlift once a week?  I am learning from Easy Strength importance of not mixing training modalities, so does that mean for this cycle not to try hypertrophy with shoulders , etc?  Thank you for any suggestions from Smolov users.
I completed that program doing low bar squat on Monday and Thursday, and bench on Tuesday and Friday. I warmed up with a few light TGU's every day, and did a few barbell C&P on Tuesdays as well as some DL singles on Fridays. I also did a bit of grip work and weighted pull-ups on the bench days. It worked for me and I added weight to both lifts, but if I was starting again I'd leave out a lot of the extra work. It's a few weeks, so I think any "gaps" in the program would've been something I could worry about later and conserve my energy for making gains in the main lifts. The program as written is no joke, and I have to wonder if my gains would've been great if I had managed my recovery better instead of trying to sneak in lots of extra exercises.
I believe the original smolov was intended for olympic lifters, thus, highbar squat. The 'kinder' version could probably be done with low bar, though.

I'd say definitely minimize all other work while on smolov--for upper as well as lower. Maybe do nothing other than squats and some pullups/leg raises for spinal traction the first week, and add other things in for subsequent weeks, whatever you feel like you can manage. I think that minimizing 'standing up' exercises (standing press, cleans, deadlifts, bent rows, etc.) might be a good idea; maybe stick with bench or weighted dips, and pullups....
aris, you are pretty much channeling what Marty Gallagher and Jack Reape described in talking about this program. I came from a background where more was always better, so minimizing has always been tough for me, but I think the Smolov Lite for bench and squat plus some weighted pull-ups on the bench days would be a fantastic program.
If I'm channeling Reape and Gallagher on training advice that can only be a good thing ;)

Seriously though, less is more with a demanding specialization program like that. Who knows, maybe you can add a ton of other stuff, but don't try to do so right off the bat. I've used smolov variants 3 times and always found myself basically just doing smolov by the end of it.
<a title="View William Bagby's profile" href="">William</a>, I would go high bar, at least for the loading phase.
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