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Old Forum Strength Program

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Level 6 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
I am fairly new to the forum here but not to the iron.  I have been doing KB intermittently for 3 years and BB for the last 8 months.  My current program is a Juggernaut 2.0 based program mixing BB main lifts with KB and traditional assistance exercises (Snatch, C&P, Swings, Dips, Pull-ups) but I have pieced this together on my own.  My program does one main lift first (bench, squat, OHP, DL) and 3 accessories each day (4 days a week) and I am making great progress on my OHP and DL and moderate progress on the bench and squat.  Does anyone have any input on how to program the accessories so as to gain the most strength?  I can't find much info on programming (reps/sets) for using the KB as an accessory for powerlifting.
Hello Michael Steger,

That will depend on you! I'm not a big believer in cookie-cutter accessory work. It's popular today to do a lot of hamstrings and lower back exercises for the squat but blasting the quads brought up my squat much faster. Dan Green has mentioned something similar. You just have to find what works for you.

With that said, KB's will probably have more carryover to the OHP and the DL for most due to the high emphasize of the swinging motion and overhead work. For BP and BSq there are likely better equipment alternatives. Maybe the double KB front squat would do something for MY Bsq (taking into account what I wrote above)... As for you, it's hard to say.

But are you sure that the accessories is the real problem here? What does your progression look like? And what's going on with your body - are you gaining or losing weight?
I'm reading Juggernaut 2.0 right now.  It will probably be my next BB program.

I think he mentions doing assistance work that directly relates to the main movement.  For example do dips after your bench session to give the triceps some extra work.  Or GHD work after squats.  Other trainers, maybe Dan John has said this, have said to work opposite muscles to keep things balanced.  For example, rows or bat wings after your benches.

Other than the limited guidance in the book, I will probably leave most of that stuff out if I can.  I believe it takes a good coach, and not yourself, to tell you what is going to affect your lifts.

Assuming you have read Juggernaut 2.0, have you read Starting strength? Intervention?  Might find some insight in one of those.
Thanks for the info guys.  Some background is needed I think.  I started out doing a linear progression 5x5 program for 6 months and after hitting several plateaus switched over to the Juggernaut 2.0 (I am currently in my 3 rep cycle-4th month).  I have read through the program several times and the main lifts are laid out but the accessories are fairly open.  I am doing some KB work to strengthen the shoulder girdle and improve my OHP (my weakest lift at 180lbs).  My prior PRs were Bench 310lbs, Squat 325lbs, OHP 180lbs and DL 415lbs but I expect all these to go up about 25lbs (minimum) based on the progress through the Juggernaut thus far.  I am currently doing pull-ups/pull downs with at least bodyweight, inclune press, some dips, KB press, C&P, and snatch with swings as a finisher at the end of the session.  My sessions last about 80minutes but that includes jumprope, limber 11, original strength. 

Although I would like to drop about 20lbs, my main goal is getting strong, and I will lose the weight when my summer sports takes off.  With a primary goal of strength, I am simply wondering about the rep scheme for KB accessories.  I currently do a main lift (according to the particular phase of the Jug) and 4 accessories (usually 4 sets each) in a 8-12 rep range and workout 4-5 days a week.  It is amazingly hard to find any info on using KB as an accessory exercise although there is ample info on using them as a primary.

Thanks for the help.
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