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Old Forum Stretching in S&S

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hey guys,

Being in the Justice League is a pretty full time job and the league is looking to add kettlebell training to its gyms, so superheros can fight crime whenever it strikes, no one's got time to be sore, lives are at stake people. I Batman, have decided to be the guinea pig and try the routine outlined in Simple & Sinister.

Unfortunately my flexibility is very low, the prying goblet squat and the 90/90 stretch are not something my body can achieve at this time, in fact it never has been able to since I was born, meaning there's no way I can do this

Hopefully I can increase my flexibility as my ultimate goal is to do this - which I've never been able to do.

Should I just do the squat  as far as my body let's me go and do a few curls? Also, should I do whatever I can with the 90/90 stretch, or could someone give me alternative stretches?

If anyone could help me out here, I'd appreciate it and I'll make sure you get to meet whichever league member you want...maybe...


I am vengeance, I am the night, I am inflexible Batman

Funny post aside, I too can't really do the prying goblet squat (perfectly... yet) and am really struggling with the 90/90 stretch. I substitute the warm up drills from S&S with the pump, wall squat and halo from ETK, plus some mobility work to actively stretch out my freakishly tight hip flexors etc. (couch stretch, full bridge, ... maybe pink panther arabesque? ;] )

The Swing actually helped me to assess my tight areas (I was wondering about my bad form...) and with some help by a professional, I am on my way to a more flexible und functional body. The exercises you can't really do, might do the same for you?

I think it would be better to seek help outside a forum and attack the underlying problem at it's core, unless you are aware of some sort of condition you can't change. If this is the case, I'm sorry for wasting your time mighty Batman.
Bw, consider taking Jon Engum's stretching workshop.

If you are flexible enough to do kettlebell deadlifts with good form, you can start S&S.
Thank you Lukas and Pavel for replying. It's unlikely that I can take Jon's workshop as I live in Australia. S&S is fine, I have trouble with the stretches that's all and was wondering if there were substitute stretches or if I should stick to the stretches in ETK.
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