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Old Forum stretching

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Level 5 Valued Member
At 315lbs and 6ft tall. I can be best described as out of shape. I am starting kettlebell training, swings and get-ups. I am reading super joints. My question is should I start relax into stretching, or wait will I have built my strength up. Thanks guys.
I don't have any answer to your question, but I do want to congratulate you for beginning this journey!
Hi Bobby, congrats on taking the first step towards getting stronger.  I would stick with a simple joint mobility warm up and then directly into S&S (swings/get-ups).  In S&S, Pavel outlines the stretches important to this routine, start with those.  You want to be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.  One of the keys to maintaining a successful lifetime of strength is to keep things simple and not overdose on exercise.  If you try to tackle too much and find yourself committed to training, say, 2 hours a day, there is a good chance that you will find it hard to maintain that routine.  S&S is brief, simple and extremely effective.  I would spend the next 6 months with S&S.  If you NEED to do more, and have extra time, go on a walk and find a good hill to hoof it up.  By all means, read everything you can get your hands on by Pavel and Dan Johns, their words will guide you well.

All the best with your training.  Enjoy the journey!
Thanks for the advice. I have ETK. So Im sticking to it for a little while. I plan on doing some crawling at work to help with the cardio but in short times.
Bobby, welcome aboard!

Please make sure you're clear with your doctor to exercise without restrictions before you start this or any program.

I would read both books but focus on doing what's in the first part of Super Joints and not worry too much about RIS unless you have a specific flexibility deficit you need to address right now.

ETK is great - carry on.


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